Chapter 18: Till the End of the Line

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CHAPTER SUMMARY: Continuing on with their mission to stop HYDRA and reveal SHIELD has been compromised, the twins know they will have to stop Bucky, but are unable to bring themselves to do so, trying to to persuade their friend to remember them, reminding him that they are together until the end of the line.


However, some fluff in the end to help you through.

Everlasting Love from Brooklyn

Chapter 18: Till the End of the Line

After finding out the truth regarding Pierce, Fury and the rest of the team started to come up with a plan to HYDRA knowing the only way to do that was taking down SHIELD as well. Vicky couldn't help but agree with her brother, knowing now that SHIELD was never the way it was supposed to be if it was corrupted from the very start.

Calling the shots on this mission, Steve went to find his sister standing outside, looking upon the bridge deep in thought. He didn't have to ask to know exactly who she was thinking about: Bucky. They both stood in silence next to each other, recalling a similar memory of their mother's funeral.

The siblings were walking up the stairs to their apartment after mourning the loss of their mother. Vicky was wearing a black dress, silently walking beside her brother as they both tried to process their grief. Bucky had arrived, catching his friends as he followed them. "We looked for you after. My folks wanted to give you a ride to the cemetery."

"I know, I'm sorry. We just...kind of wanted to be alone." Steve mumbled, glancing at his sister.

Bucky was silent before asking. "How was it?"

"She's next to Dad." Vicky mumbled, sniffling.

Seeing the state the twins were in, Bucky sighed. "I was gonna ask..."

But Steve stopped him before he could, not wanting to hear it. "I know what you're gonna say, Buck, I just..."

Stopping at the door, Vicky glanced at Bucky, watching him give them a small smile, trying to make the situation better as Steve looked for the key to the apartment. "We can put the couch cushions on the floor like when we were kids. It'll be fun. All you gotta do is shine my shoes, maybe take out the trash. Vicky, you just remain like the princess you are."

This made her face light up with a small smile, grateful he was trying to cheer them up in his own way. "That sounds swell, Buck."

"Vic, do you have the key?" Steve said, looking to his sister with worry.

"No, you had it."

Sharing a panicked look with her, thinking he lost the key and locked them out of their own apartment, the twins glanced to see Bucky kicking back a brick with the spare key hidden underneath. Vicky had completely forgotten it was there in the moment.

Bucky sighed, shaking his head at the blonde, handing it over. "Come on."

Steve stood still before giving his friend a reassuring look that said otherwise. "Thank you, Buck, but we can get by on our own." He knew that now he had to start to kick it into shape and take care of his little sister more. It was only the two of them now and Vicky would be looking up to Steve now more than ever. He couldn't let her down.

Bucky sighed, putting a hand on each of the twins shoulders. "The thing is, you don't have to. I'm with you to the end of the line."

Hearing that familiar line once again, Vicky didn't realize she was crying, clutching the dogtags she still wore hidden under her shirt. Bucky had always been there for them. He was the ever constant, their rock and support, and most importantly -- he was the man she had loved for centuries it seemed, never able to move on from him entirely.

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