Chapter 6: The Weakest Link

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CHAPTER SUMMARY: While Peggy and Vicky mourn their losses in their own ways, they must continue their mission together, trying to shake the SSR off their backs and being warned of new threats soon to follow. 

At least both women can agree they don't like the new Captain America Adventure Program that awfully depicts their lives...or does it?

noun. the weakest link : the person who is making the least contribution to the collective achievement of the group.

Everlasting Love from Brooklyn

Chapter 6: The Weakest Link

"Where were you this morning?" Peggy asked Vicky the moment she entered the diner later that night.

Remembering she put off the meeting between her, Peggy and Jarvis, Vicky sighed, taking a seat in the stool next to her at the front counter. "I was caught up with something at work." She lied. "Dooley called and wanted me to help around the office for a little."

Peggy nodded, trying not to press her any further on it despite finding it rather odd. They were distracted by the radio suddenly playing a fairtune and new program show. "And now it's time for The Captain America Adventure Program , brought to you by Roxxon Motor Oil." Vicky closed her eyes, wishing she were somewhere other than here currently. "Tonight's thrilling tale takes us deep into the heart of the Ardennes forest, where Hitler's Nazi guard have ambushed the 107th Infantry and taken Betty Carver, the battalion's beautiful triage their hostage."

"You lousy krauts are in big trouble once Captain America gets here." The voice of Betty Carver said in a lusty voice, causing both women to exchange awkward looks.

The voice of the person imitating Captain America with a deep voice spoke. "When I'm through with you, Hitler, you're gonna be seeing stars and stripes!"

In that moment, both Peggy and Vicky thought about shooting out the radio, having had enough of listening to this rubbish. "Nein! You will bow down to the Fuhrer!" said the imitator for Hitler.

Seeing Vicky start to make her exit despite just getting here, Peggy reached out to stop her. "Angie, would you mind changing that?" She asked the waitress.

"Oh, you bet. Arlene French beat me out for that part." She said, turning the radio to a different station playing jazz as Vicky sat back down, unable to make her escape since Peggy stopped her. Angie came around to address them, giving her best imitation of Betty Carver. "'You lousy krauts are in big trouble once Captain America gets here.' It's better, right?"

"Thrillingly realistic."

Angie smiled, pouring her a cup of coffee as she continued. "I also tried to audition for the role of Victory Rogers, but I didn't get the part." Vicky had to keep herself from spitting out her drink when hearing this, taking a pause as Peggy watched her with worry. The Rogers sister felt like she had walked into a ticking time bomb with this diner suddenly reaching out to get her. "Hey, you live at the Griffith as well? I'm Angie Martinelli." The waitress said, finally able to introduce herself since the brunette wasn't running off.

"Uh...Victoria Woodworth." Vicky said awkwardly, desperately trying to cover up the fact Angie was currently talking to Captain America's sister. Peggy noticed this, but continued to glance at her newspaper article, remembering to speak with her about it later.

Angie saw the newspaper and had to ask. "You moving?"

"I, uh, lost my roommate."

"My first place, I lived with this girl from Queens. It was okay for maybe six months, and then... Bam! One day, she's engaged. Next day, she's married and living in Armonk."

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