Chapter 8: The Truth

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CHAPTER SUMMARY: Howard Stark returns, asking Peggy and Vicky for help in retrieving a device of his that holds a heartbreaking truth for both women: Steve Rogers blood. In order to keep her brother's legacy safe, Vicky must face everything she has been running from once and for all.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is a VERY Emotional chapter. I honestly couldn't get through it without crying, so be warned. Also, POSSIBLE TRIGGER WARNINGS in this chapter with the beginning flashback. There will be more flashbacks to come.


Everlasting Love from BrooklynChapter 8: The Truth

It was a crisp afternoon in 1932 when they first met him after a day in high school. The Rogers twins were walking home after getting out of school like they did everyday. Unable to afford the bus and with their mother working her tail off, it was up to Steve and Vicky to see each other home safely. They would occasionally get looks as people noticed the scrawny boy next to his sister, both standing in equal height to one another.

However, Vicky typically ignored them, having conversations with her brother about what they learned in class, what they would do when they got home or anything random that crossed their minds. Steve appreciated her conversations, but was sure to always keep a careful eye out for trouble.

That was when he noticed a group of school boys giving his sister some looks as they approached, appearing from an alleyway, making the twins stop. One of the guys with short, slicked back black hair gave her a toothy grin. "Hey sweet thing, you want me to walk you home? Maybe we can get a bite to eat?"

Vicky shot him a look, trying to be both civil and her blunt self. "No thank you, I have my big brother here to help me." She said, trying to move around him with Steve.

The guy's friend, however, stopped them once again, not taking no for an answer. "This is your big brother?" He chuckled to his friend beside him, both idiots looking Steve up and down with judging looks. "I doubt that. Let's leave the little guy behind and come with us. I really like the dress you're wearing today."

Steve took a step forward, pissed off over the way they were looking at and speaking with his sister, his protective instincts kicking in. "You heard her the first time, leave her alone."

"Oh...Mr. Tough guy." They exclaimed, giving a ridiculous smile Vicky wanted to slap off their faces. "Come on then, try to stop us. Give me a wallop, right in the kisser! I dare you!" Steve didn't do anything, just standing his ground, trying to protect his sister. He wasn't going to take the first hit unless it was needed. "Yeah, you're all talk, no action. Come on cutie!" The guy said, suddenly grabbing Vicky's hand, trying to pull her along as she fought back, causing Steve to push the guy back, trying to get his hands off his sisters.

"Get your hands off of her!" Steve barked.

The two guys started to turn their attention towards him, pushing him back and taking punches at Steve. "You don't tell us what to do! You can't even stop us!"

"STOP!" Vicky shrieked, watching with horror as they started pumiling her brother to a bloody pulp, blood dripping from his nose. "LEAVE MY BROTHER ALONE!" She tried to get in the middle of it to get them off of Steve, but it only resulted in one of them pushing her, going to pick her up from behind as she kicked and screamed in their hold. "PUT ME DOWN! STEVE! STEVE!"

Despite feeling his head spin and his body ache, he saw his little sister look at him in horror, watching one of the guys try to carry her off and hearing her yell out for his help, causing something to spark inside him. Steve started to rise to his feet, trying to stop them from taking Vicky. He went in to take a punch, only to be knocked back, resulting in him getting back up again and getting knocked down once more.

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