Chapter 22: We Might Fall

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CHAPTER SUMMARY: Shuri and Vicky work on deprogramming Bucky's mind from HYDRA's control.

AUTHOR'S NOTES: TRIGGER WARNINGS PRESENT: Brainwashing and slight mentions of attempts at rape. It's another heavy chapter, but the ending is worth it.

Just listen to "Down to the Second" by Zach Berkman cause it's kinda inspiration here and it sets a mood. Honestly though, this chapter is mostly about Bucky and his perspective on things.

Everlasting Love from Brooklyn

Chapter 22: We Might Fall

While figuring out how they would first start on Bucky's deprogramming, Shuri had decided to take Vicky up as her assistant in training, teaching her how to use the technology so she could help. Knowing a great place to start would be the Winter Soldier book, Vicky spent her time trying to make sense of the scribbles of notes -- some in Russian, German and English. She ended up coming across a series of photos about Bucky, Howard, Steve, the Avengers and what shook her to her core -- herself. There was a whole page in this book dedicated to Vicky about Zola's plans to make her the same as the Winter Soldier, but it proved unsuccessful when Vicky was seemed a bad subject for the serum and frozen.

Even if she couldn't understand most of the things in the book, it made her heart ache and her blood boil with anger just knowing what HYDRA had put him through and the life they took away from him.

She never wanted Bucky to lose anything ever again. All Vicky wanted was his happiness and a life to live with him to give him everything he deserved. Besides, they still had so much time to make up for, and their time together in Romania wasn't enough.

Taking a look inside the book, the women started with the trigger words. "The fact that they call it 'Activation Codes' makes me sick." Vicky said, handing the book off to Shuri so she could make sense of it.

"I know, but that's exactly what these were made out to be." She paused, gasping as if uncovering something. "In fact, in order to have such an effect over his mind and hijack it completely, that means these words must be connected to some profound memories he holds dear, enabling control once these words are read off, hence, triggering the memories and then complete control of his mind." Vicky looked completely lost by her words, but tried to keep up. "In other words -- these are activation codes to make his mind reduced to a clean slate, ready for orders. If we find out what memories are connected to these words, then we can begin our work."

Vicky looked at Shuri with amazement, seeing her brilliance shine before her. She couldn't help but be reminded of Howard because of it. They were both brilliant geniuses. "Shuri, you're amazing!"

The Princess of Wakanda smiled, almost blushing. "It's just how I roll. Come on, we got work to do. I'm excited to figure out this puzzle!" After spending the time to decipher the words into English, it was now time to figure out what their meanings could be and what memories they were attached to for Bucky. "Do you know what special meaning these words could have for Sergeant Barnes?"

Looking over the words, Vicky wasn't quite sure what to think. They could mean almost anything. "I can only give my best guesses on some of them, but even so...."

Shuri saw her bite her lip, encouraging her. "It's a starting point. If anything, I think you might be the key to this."

Longing - желание

Bucky didn't know when he first fell for Victoria Rogers. Maybe he had always liked her from the first moment they met, but of course he didn't realize it two weeks before he was about to leave for war. He had been drafted with no say in it-- although it wasn't like he would say no if someone needed his help, even if it was his country.

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