Chapter 28: Living the Life

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CHAPTER SUMMARY: Six Months have gone by since returning everyone back from the Snap. Bucky and Vicky have married and find themselves living back in Brooklyn as they prepare for their new lives as expecting parents. However, you can't escape the past so easily.

AUTHOR NOTES: Just cute married and expecting parents life in this chapter. It's pure fluff!

Everlasting Love from Brooklyn

Chapter 28: Living the Life


Bucky jolted up from the floor, having had one of the same old nightmares that plagued him. They only started to grow more and more as the months passed with Vicky's growing due date coming up. At first he used to fall asleep with her in bed, putting his arms around her as they both enjoyed the closeness of each other's company, but once she started getting round and with it, the nightmares got worse, he feared hurting her. Hence, he took to sleeping on the floor.

Clutching onto the metal tags around his neck, a small smile came to his face, remembering fondly when Vicky gave him her dogtags so he would know she was always with him. It was something that would help ground him after one of these nightmares, reminding him he was no longer the Winter Soldier anymore -- even though it felt like a little part was still in there, waiting to come out with warnings in these dreams.

That alone terrified him, especially with the fact he would be a father soon. The last thing he wanted to do was end up hurting his own kid or Vicky.

So lost in his own thoughts and fears, Bucky didn't process the fact his wife was already up and standing in the dark of the kitchen, having gotten herself a drink. "Did you have another nightmare, honey?" Vicky asked, finally speaking.

Bucky's eyes went wide, surprised to see her up and about at this time. "What are you doing up? It's 2am!" He was even more protective over her as the pregnancy advanced, making sure she did all the right things and didn't overexert herself.

"Well, when you have a child kicking at your insides, it's hard to stay asleep." She answered, rubbing at her stomach with a smile. "Winnie is definitely going to be a troublemaker."

Getting up from the floor, he made his way over to her, wrapping his arms around her from behind as Vicky rested into his chest. "We can't have that happening." Bucky said with a teasing tone. "Your Mama needs rest. Let her sleep."

Vicky felt a sudden jab, giving a slight chuckle. "Look at that, she's already responding to you." Taking his flesh hand, she placed it upon her stomach. "Since we're all up anyway, you might as well get it all out, little one. Say hi to your dad." Instantly, Bucky felt the tiny kicks as tears started to come to his eyes, moved by the action. Noticing the look on her husband's face, she rested her hand on his. "You okay, Buck?"

"Y-Yeah." He sniffled, starting to slowly rub her stomach.

"Are you sure? You know you don't have to sleep out here, especially on the floor when we have a couch." She was pointing out the obvious now.

Bucky sighed. "I know."

Turning to face him, Vicky gently caressed his cheek, making Bucky look down at her. "I know you're still having nightmares, Buck. Is the therapy even helping or just making it worse?"

As part of a pardon from the government, he was subjected to attend therapy sessions which he didn't enjoy at all. He had made a list of people he wanted closure concerning his crimes, but even when he tried to fulfill that list on his own, it didn't help the constant reminders of the Winter Soldier.

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