Chapter 34: The Family Legacy

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CHAPTER SUMMARY: Winnie and Morgan must receive help from the Avengers in order to get back home. However, because of their Time Traveling, time itself has started to go wrong, bringing problems that need to be fixed.

Everlasting Love from Brooklyn

Chapter 34: The Family Legacy

"Wait, wait, wait." Tony mumbled. "Let me get this straight -- you're our kids from the future?" Morgan and Winnie nodded. "And why should we believe you?"

Getting back on her feet, Winnie looked at her family. They had to tell them something only they would know -- something that would be exclusive to their future. But then again, how would they believe such a thing that was yet to come for them?

At this point she would have to take a leap of faith. It was all she ever had to take. Her eyes landing on her parents, she started with them.

They were so young, and Winnie had never seen her father with long hair -- much less the exhausted look in his eyes he currently had. He was a completely different person. She knew exactly where to start with him, even if she couldn't make sense of what happened in 2014. "I don't know what happened in your past, but the Winter Soldier I know is a hero. You've always made it a point to me to make my own decisions despite how protective you can be." Bucky's eyes went wide, almost looking at her with disbelief. Her blue eyes now went to her mother. "And you would sing me a lullaby Grandma Sarah sung to you and Uncle Steve when you were little. It would always comfort me, especially during one of my attacks."

Vicky felt something come over her as she started to sing the song, watching as Winnie started to speak the words with her, unable to sing it herself. It was a lullaby from the 1920s and something no one would hardly know of nowadays. This only made her pause mid-song, starting to realize how similar Winnie looked to both herself and Bucky in features.

Winnie now directed her attention to her uncle, giving a small smile. "You would always draw with me, Uncle Steve. Ma says it was another thing I share in common with you besides having weak genes." Steve exchanged a knowing look with Vicky who was feeling a connection with the girl in front of them. Winnie had to keep from bursting out crying as she remembered the last words she heard from him before he passed. "You would always tell me something your mother said to you: 'A strong heart will take you further than any physical strength. A strong heart means you'll never quit...'"

Steve and Vicky felt like they had been transported back in time, recalling the familiar words no one else would know but them.

"Oh my god...No one else would know that except..." Vicky exclaimed, dashing forward to take her into a hug at those words. She was finding this so surreal to know she had a child with Bucky in the future. Pulling back from the hug, Steve and Bucky exchanged looks with her, already starting to believe the truth of this, although Bucky was still hesitant with everyone else.

The two girls looked around awkwardly at the rest of the avengers who stood off to the side watching this all unfold, their battle long forgotten now. Morgan sighed, knowing there was no point to hide anything anymore. At this point she would need her father's help to get them back home if her device was acting up. Pulling off her wrist watch, the Stark daughter handed it to her genius father. "This is a Time Traveling wristwatch I made, taken from the blueprints of a similar device created by Dr. Banner. It started acting up and it's been throwing us randomly throughout time. It's connected to FRIDAY, the interface you created. However, I've lost connection with her." Tony looked over the device with curiosity and awe before his eyes landed back on her, noticing the fearful look in her brown eyes. "We need your help."

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