Chapter 9: The Struggle to Move On

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CHAPTER SUMMARY: After receiving an encrypted message from Leviathan concerning coordinates to a place in Russia, the SSR sends out Vicky, Peggy and Thompson to investigate the situation. Vicky ends up calling up the Howling Commandos -- Steve and Bucky's old team to help them, resulting in the truth about Vicky's big secret to be revealed.

Little do they know, the team has stumbled across the Red Room.

Everlasting Love from Brooklyn 

Chapter 9: The Struggle to Move On

Today was a complete change of plans when Vicky and Peggy went downstairs for the communal breakfast to find Dottie Underwood asking for their companionship for lunch. Meeting her at the L&L Automat, the blonde had a map of New York on the table, talking with them as she planned the sights to see.

As Peggy looked through her bag, focusing on a card from Edwin Jarvis, Vicky was currently munching on the other piece of a baguette that Dottie offered.

Glancing up at Vicky with a smile, Dottie asked. "Do you think I could convince you to give me a tour of the city? I still get lost, but I want to see everything. And I want to see the best things first."

"Yeah. I was pretty much born and raised here from Brooklyn. I know the streets like the back of my hand!" The brunette asked happily. She was trying to reach out of her shell and be more open with others, not just Peggy. "I can't do it today, but my next day off should be soon."

"It's okay. I'll plan some sights to see today and then meet up with you next time." Dottie began to mark places on the map that interested her. "So, first up, Central Park and then Empire State Building and then Trinity Church and then Statue of Liberty. What do you think?"

"Add Coney Island to your list, trust me. I know it's goin through some...issues currently, but you can't go sightseeing in New York without visiting it. It's Brooklyn's national landmark!" Vicky pointed out happily, remembering back to the times when her, Steve and Bucky would run off to Coney Island and go on all the rides. Noticing Peggy was off somewhere else, Vicky looked to see the card she was looking at. "Hey Peg!"

Peggy snapped back, realizing she had been caught from the look Vicky was giving her. "Sorry. You two were talking about New York?" She cleared her throat. "If you want to get to know New York, if you want to get to know any place, you have to start with the people first."

"She's absolutely right." Vicky nodded in agreement. "And don't talk to the phony ones that are just trying to make a quick buck in the city."

"Uh, you should start with Brooklyn first." Peggy suggested, sharing a knowing look with her friend.

"That's why I suggested Coney Island."

Dottie frowned. "But I...I'd rather see the Statue of Liberty."

"Oh, she'll still be there. But what she represents, the spirit of Lady Liberty, is found in its people."

The blonde's smile returned to her face, looking at Peggy with awe. "Wow. You sounded just like Captain America just now."

Vicky had to hold back from spitting out her drink hearing this comment. Once she swallowed, she began to giggle, glancing to Peggy who was blushing. "That's no bad thing."

"You didn't hear it from me, but Captain America is from Brooklyn too!" Vicky whispered, testing out the waters when it came to mentioning her brother.

Dottie smiled, starting to get up from her seat. That comment alone seemed to encourage her. "Well..." but just as she got up, Dottie ended up knocking over both Peggy and Vicky's purses. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry. I'm such a klutz!" She exclaimed, picking up the contents and putting them back in the bags. The girls tried to help, but Dottie insisted doing it herself, putting their bags back on the table. Taking her place back at the table, the blonde smiled warmly. "Thanks Vicky and Peggy. I'm off to Brooklyn!" She paused, realizing something important. "How do I get to Brooklyn?"

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