Chapter 31: A New Beginning

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CHAPTER SUMMARY: Bucky and Sam are successful on their mission as Sam takes up the shield as Captain America and Bucky works to make a positive change with the Winter Soldier name. Five years passes for our heroes as Winnie Barnes story begins to take place.

WARNINGS: Major Character Death and just a lot of fucking feels. I'm sorry, but you will see where I'm going with this story, except for the little twists I have in store.

Everlasting Love from Brooklyn

Chapter 31: A New Beginning

After tucking in their daughter, Bucky had received a call from Sam that night that the Flagsmashers had attacked the GRC building. Quickly, the men went to work as Vicky stayed up, watching the news coverage for it and making sure Winnie was alright as she slept.

It was a proud moment to watch as Sam flew in, finally taking up the shield and being the Captain America they all knew he could be, even giving a touching speech that would help change the world for the better. Despite being successful in saving the hostages, Karli however, had been killed as Sam made his point for the needed change in things.

Not long after, Vicky found Bucky returning home as Sam joined him to come say hi, quiet so as to not wake up Winnie. However, the men found themselves being taken into a hug.

"I'm so proud of you two!" exclaimed Vicky.

Sam chuckled warmly, pulling back from the hug not long after. "Thank you, Vicky."

Bucky just looked at his wife with a soft look, knowing she already thought of him as a hero, although it was going to take awhile for him to process that now others were seeing him this way too.

"I'd bring Winnie to see her uncle in his cool suit, but she's currently sleeping and I've managed to keep her this way."

"Then let's keep it that way." Sam replied warmly. "You both should get some sleep too. I brought him back home and safe for you."

"Thanks Sammy!"

They watched as he quietly left before the couple turned off the TV and quietly made their way to the bedroom, careful not to disturb their daughter sleeping in her crib as they layed in bed with each other. His mind racing with thoughts, this was when Bucky finally spoke to her. "The hostages I saved today thanked me for saving them. At first, I didn't know how to feel. I've...I've never had anyone thank me for saving them...but then, I started to think of you." Despite being in the dark, Bucky could see Vicky's eyes raise in question. "No matter what, you've always believed in me -- even when things seemed bleak... and you've saved me more times than I can count, Victoria -- with your love. You've given me a lovely daughter too. I've never understood why you choose to stay with me, especially after all I have done...but I'm grateful."

Bucky honestly wasn't sure where he would be if it wasn't for her or Steve. He could never picture his life without Vicky, not even daring to do so, thinking it might have ended up as a dark and lonely one. Would he still be part of Hydra? He couldn't even think of life without his daughter, both of the girls now a huge part of his world alongside Sam and his family.

Vicky breathed out softly, lightly going to caress his cheek. "'s because I love you and I know who you are, even if you can't see it yourself. And Winnie will agree with me too."

A small smile started to come to his face. "I think I'm actually starting to see it now..." He was going to make a change for the Winter Soldier name. It no longer would be a name to be feared, but one to look to with hope. He was not a monster, but a hero, just as Vicky and others saw him. It was also how he wanted his daughter to see him, never knowing the horrible crimes he committed.

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