Chapter 5: A Friend in Need

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CHAPTER SUMMARY: It's been a year since the loss of Steve and Bucky. Vicky has been trying to deal with her grief by focusing heavily on her work, resulting in her pushing away her friends who are trying to help her. However, when news about Howard Stark becoming a target for the SSR is revealed, Vicky is pushed back into being reunited with her friends, having to help Peggy clear Howard's name with the help of his butler, Edwin Jarvis.

However, it seems there are bigger threats on the horizon then just the SSR. One word: LEVIATHAN.

AUTHORS NOTE: Sorry for the 8,000 word spam this chapter, but it's pretty much an introductory and establishing chapter for the next arc of this story which will be following all 18 episodes of the Agent Carter TV Series. I've put a very interesting twist with it concerning Vicky and I can't wait to explore it more as the chapter's go. :)


Everlasting Love from Brooklyn

Chapter 5: A Friend in Need


Dear Steve & Bucky,

Sorry, I've been terrible at keeping up with writing back to the both of you. I blame being incredibly busy. So much has happened in the last year that I can't believe a new year has already come, so let me catch you up on the rest of the events in 1945.

I got a job at the New York Bell Company Office -- and no, before you give a snide comeback, Barnes, I am not filing papers or taking lunch orders for the men in the office. In fact, it's a secret cover base for the SSR HQ of New York City! I'm still at the old job, even after the war. I work for a man called Roger Dooley. He reminds me a lot of Phillips honestly. I'm still in contact with everyone. Howard and Peggy celebrated our birthdays with me, Steve. It was a grand old time. We still hang out with each other every now and then. Peggy recently even started working in the same office as me two weeks ago.

As for this new year, I celebrated your birthday again, Bucky. I can't believe you're 29 years old now. Granted, Steve and I are a year younger, but still, Steve and I will be following behind you as usual once July rolls around.

I've been having dreams about you guys recently. Some nightmares about the war, but I'm hanging in there just fine. Can't wait until we meet again.

With Love, Vicky

Pulling back from the letter she wrote, Vicky scanned it over before looking at the clock, realizing she had to get ready for work. Roger Dooley was not a man who liked his employee's to be running late, having strict schedules. Despite who she was, Vicky tried to keep it secret in the office that she was Captain America's sister, not wanting to have high expectations or special treatment be put on her because of who she happened to be related to. However, it seemed Chief Dooley knew her secret the day he interviewed her for the part, having read her personal file.

Glancing at the picture frames of her brother, Bucky and herself moments throughout their childhood together surrounding the night stand, Vicky kissed her fingers and then gave both boys in the pictures a kiss like she did everyday before heading off to work. She could just imagine the look on her landlady's face if she caught her doing that.

Living at the Griffith Hotel was a far different place of living than Vicky had ever been used to. First off, it was a women's only boarding house and the landlady, Miriam Fry -- a middle aged woman, was very adamant about the rules governing her establishment and had no exceptions. She was strict about there being no men allowed, even shooting looks to any guys that tried to make their way through the front door -- although that wouldn't stop the occasional one trying to climb the windows to see a lover of theirs. With the fact that Vicky grew up around guys most of her life, she was surprised she even made it through the interview process, but she figured it was because Miriam took pity at the fact she had lost her family -- especially with the fact Captain America was her brother. The next rule of the establishment was being part of the morning communal; where all the tenants got to know each other and listen as Miriam gave them the 'Mother Hen' lecture for the day.

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