Chapter 19: Back Home to You

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CHAPTER SUMMARY: Making their way to Bucharest Romania for safety while on the run from HYDRA and the government, over the course of a year Vicky helps Bucky with remembering his former life while the couple catch up and connect with one another once again.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: WARNINGS: Mentions to brainwashing, murder and then a sex scene.

This all takes place over the course of a year as it explains how Bucky and Vicky are trying to help and connect with one another again after being separated for so long.

Everlasting Love from Brooklyn

Chapter 19: Back Home to You

Bucharest, 2015

Within the year, the only thing Bucky was 100% certain about was Vicky. She was the only clarity and constant as he tried to break through everything HYDRA did to his mind. He still questioned a lot of things, but Vicky was there to help him through it. He knew he was being selfish when it came to her, but all he knew was that he wanted her by his side, determined to protect her. She meant everything to him.

Hoping on a train, the couple began to make their way to Romania, knowing they had a better chance of staying off the radar there. Having already come to terms with the possibility that HYDRA and whatever was left of SHIELD would come looking for Bucky, they were both bound and determined to keep each other safe. They were a team in this together now.

Once they had arrived in Bucharest, they had managed to find a place thanks to the fact Bucky could speak Romanian while Vicky supplied them with the money to pay for their new housing. Throughout it, Vicky could tell Bucky still seemed hesitant about everything, approaching things with caution and uncertainty. She didn't push anything, letting him go at his own pace about the world, but giving him reassurance whenever he needed it.

Arriving at their new living quarters, the first thing they did before finally relaxing was set up an escape plan in case one of the organization's caught up to them, resulting in them having to make a run for it. Once that was in place and remembered down perfectly, they could finally begin to relax a little. Vicky had gone to get some supplies for their place with Bucky quietly by her side. He was very withdrawn, just one of the things she noticed about him on their journey. Another being the nightmares.

After spending some time figuring out where the other should sleep -- the bed, the couch or in Bucky's suggestion for himself, the floor, it was decided thanks to some reasoning from Vicky that Bucky should sleep on the couch and she would compromise on the bed at his request. However, not wanting to leave him alone, she put the bed out in the living room next to the couch. The first night was not silent or peaceful at all, especially with the following months to come. Vicky's nightmares had seemed to start to lessen with Bucky around and only happened occasionally, but he was having non-stop terrors, waking up breathing heavily or shouting. One time it was so bad that he ended up breaking and pummeling the couch with his metal arm in his sleep.

Realizing the only way to help him through this was to finally talk about it, the couple sat down one day and did exactly that. Vicky had made them breakfast as she usually did and slowly started the conversation. "I remember when I first found out I was no longer in the 1950's anymore. It still feels like a crazy dream I'll eventually wake up from someday, but at least Steve was by my side to help me. I'm here to do the same for you, Buck." She reassured him.

Bucky looked hesitant, swallowing his drink. "Thank you." He didn't feel like he deserved it at all.

It was silent again before Vicky decided to break it by finally admitting something. "Hey, can I tell you anything?" Bucky nodded. She hesitated before telling him. "I haven't even told Steve this. Then again, there is a lot I haven't told him." She chuckled. "Ever since I took the serum, I've been having nightmares...about the Red Skull."

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