Chapter 7: No Escape

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CHAPTER SUMMARY: As Vicky, Peggy and Jarvis manage to find Stark's stolen weapons, bringing them one step closer to solving the case and freeing his name, a tragedy follows, making Vicky start to have second guesses about what they are doing.

Everlasting Love from Brooklyn

Chapter 7: No Escape

Breakfast today was full of surprises when Vicky was shocked to find Peggy sitting among the rest of the girls in the dining hall, blue eyes going wide. She was called over by Angie who had spotted her trying to escape. "Hey, Vicky! Come sit with us!"

Peggy looked up to her with a small smile as Vicky sat down next to her. "Morning."

"Did you manage to get in?" Vicky asked, amazed even she had made it past Miriam's interview process as well.

"Yes. English here is our new resident." Angie declared happily, happy to have a new next door neighbor in her hall. Vicky lived a level above her, not knowing her neighbor's all that well. Then again, she barely talked to anyone there until now.

"Powdered eggs again. What am I paying for?" a nurse commented, going to join them at the table.

Angie looked over to Peggy. "Still, better than the blitz, right, English?"

"Oh, just barely."

Another girl came to the addition of the table, making Vicky start to feel like an outsider being surrounded by everyone, especially watching how casually Peggy seemed to talk and interact with them despite being the new person.

"Morning, girls." Molly exclaimed, taking her seat.

"Someone had a late night." Peggy commented, having had one of her boyfriends mistake her window for Molly's last night, leading to an awkward showdown.

"What time did the cat drag you in?" Angie commented with a knowing smile.

"I didn't exactly get dragged out." Molly smiled with a wink.

Vicky felt like she was going to be sick at that moment, hearing the girls talk about their love lifes with their boyfriends. It only seemed to remind her of how she didn't get to have long of that experience with Bucky, making her wish he was here. And just like that, when Vicky looked up from her plate after rolling her eyes, she saw Bucky standing across the way in the dining hall full of women. He was looking at her with a knowing smirk, making Vicky's eyes widen.

"Molly, you didn't!"

"What can I say? Jimmy is very persuasive."

"And nimble." Peggy commented, rubbing her hands nervously.

The nurse looked over to Peggy. "You got a guy, Peggy?"

"I'm afraid I'm married to my work at the moment." She replied, glancing to Vicky, noticing the longing way she was looking in the distance.

"What about you, Vicky?" Angie asked, daring to ask her the question among the girls.

This got her attention, snapping her back into the moment as she looked shocked. "What?"

"Do you have a guy?"

Vicky felt her breath catch in her throat, glancing over to see the figure of Bucky who was still there, wiggling his eyebrows at her knowingly. "Of course you do...even if I'm not here anymore."

It made Vicky want to cry, causing her to do what she did best when confronted with this problem and leave. "Excuse me..."

But just when she was starting to get up, she was stopped by the landlady who had to make her usual morning announcements to the tenants, meaning she had no chance of escape right now. "Miss Rogers, please sit. This will only be a moment, my dear." Seeing she had no other choice, Vicky sat herself down, glancing over to see the figure of Bucky had disappeared from where he last was standing. "In 1925, the great Harry Houdini performed at this very building."

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