Chapter 33: Past Meets Future

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CHAPTER SUMMARY: Morgan and Winnie's time suits start acting up, sending the girls traveling throughout time without any control, throwing them right into the paths of their parents with no other way but to reveal themselves. How can they stop time from unraveling now?

Everlasting Love from Brooklyn

Chapter 33: Past Meets Future

NEW YORK, 1946

Morgan and Winnie found themselves appearing in a dark and closed space. Unable to tell where they were, the Stark daughter started to turn on a flashlight, realizing they were in a women's closet. Glancing to her watch, she saw it said the year 1946. "We're still in New York, but it's after the war has ended."

"Where are we?" Winnie asked, wanting to open the door to escape the small space.

Just outside, they started to hear people talking with each other. A woman was angry. "What's in the vial, Howard?"

"Okay, you're angry."

Realizing the man's voice was Howard Stark, they eagerly listened in. Winnie heard her mother speak next. "What is going on?" Vicky asked, concerned. "I thought it was a button, not a vial."

"You know what it is. We all know." Howard said.

"I don't." Peggy said. "Tell me."

"It's Steve Rogers blood."

Everyone went silent in the room, even the two daughters as they felt a sudden tension rise. Morgan and Winnie were lost, wondering what was going on. The only thing they could hear next was a loud noise as if someone had been punched. "You used us! You lied to us!"

"You hit me!"

"You don't get to use my reaction to your lies as the reason for your lies."

"Yeah, I do. I knew how much Steve meant to the both of you, because I know how much he means to me. I was protecting the two of you."

"Oh, don't pretend this is about us and our emotions. You were out to protect you."

"Yeah, I didn't want to see this turmoil that you're in. Look at you."


Winnie and Morgan glanced at each other, exchanging sad looks at hearing what has happened with Morgan's grandfather. There appeared to be family drama long before they were even born.


"YOU DON'T GET TO CALL ME THAT!" Winnie heard her mother snap in a way she never had before, shocking her. "Only Steve get's to call me that and he's not your lab experiment, Howard! HE WAS NEVER A LAB EXPERIMENT! "HE WAS MY BROTHER! HE WAS MY BROTHER...and he's..." she started to break down into sobs. "...And he's dead. OH MY GOD, he's really dead. They're really dead! THEY'RE BOTH DEAD!"

Morgan's eyebrow went up before realizing what Vicky was meaning. Winnie looked over at her friend, wanting to know. "Who else died?"

Once they heard Peggy kick Howard out, the room went still and quiet once again except for the sobs of Winnie's mother. "I'm sorry, Peg. I know you cared for Steve as well, and he loved you so much, but...I just kept running away anytime his name was mentioned or anytime I was reminded of him because the pain was too much to bear."

"It's okay. You lost more than just a brother from the war..."

Winnie's blue eyes went wide, finally realizing what was going on. "Mom thought Uncle Steve and Dad had died...but it doesn't make sense. I know Uncle Steve went on the ice, but Dad never mentioned anything happening to him."

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