Chapter 4: The Suffocating Sorrow

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CHAPTER SUMMARY: Bucky and Vicky spend time catching up with each other. Steve creates a team to help him take down HYDRA. As Bucky becomes one of the Howling Commandos, watching his friend's back, a tragedy happens, separating the three friends from Brooklyn...possibly forever.

Everlasting Love from Brooklyn

Chapter 4: The Suffocating Sorrow

After the rescue of the former prisoners, everyone was given a break from duty in London while the SSR tried to figure out how they would approach a plan next. Once the group arrived off the plane and began making their way downtown, Vicky was in absolute amazement, mouth open wide. "We've never been to London before, Stevie! Look at that!" She exclaimed towards her brother, pointing at sights like Big Ben and little shops along the way.

Peggy, Steve and Bucky couldn't help but chuckle at her excitement until the brunette started to speak, addressing the other soldiers with them. "We're going to meet at our allied HQ here to discuss a plan of attack on HYDRA. The rest of you can go enjoy the sights of the city, you've more than earned it."

Dum Dum Dugan and the rest of the men nodded at her, appreciating the hospitality. He stopped when he noticed Bucky looking longingly at Vicky who gave him a sad smile, knowing he couldn't come along with them. "SSR business. Steve and I will meet you later."

"Vic, go enjoy the sights." Steve suddenly said, giving his sister a warm smile. "If anything, I'll be at the meeting for the both of us and inform you of what happens after, okay?"

She looked dumbfounded at him, glancing at Phillips and Peggy as well. "Are you sure?"

"Yes." Steve nodded. "Go."

Bucky and Vicky smiled at him as the soldier grabbed her hand, nodding at Steve and the others before running off to go join the rest of the men. Steve knew how much they wanted to spend time with each other, especially after thinking they might never see the other for good. Peggy commented on this, finding it endearing. "She's lucky to have you for a brother."

He turned to her with a smile. "I thought they could use the time together after all that has happened." They continued on their way, heading into the secret SSR building to discuss plans.


As the company and couple walked past shops on the street, Dum Dum Dugan called out towards them, pointing at a sign for a pub called the Whip & Fiddle. "How about we get a couple drinks? What do you guys think?" They all agreed before Bucky looked at Vicky who didn't seem too interested in it. "Hey, Cap's sis, Bucky, you wanna join us?"

"We'll join up with you later. You guys go at it!" Bucky said, waving them off as he put an arm around Vicky, holding her tight to his chest. She smiled, finding it comfortable.

The couple walked around the city, enjoying the closeness of each other's company. Bucky had been waiting to have a moment like this with Vicky since he first left Brooklyn, wanting to finally have the time to commit to her and only her to make up for being such an idiot and not realizing his feelings sooner. Vicky was just in blissful happiness, overjoyed to have him back safe and sound, enjoying the moment.

Hearing him lick his lips, she noticed his nervous habit and asked. "What is it, Buck?"

"I was just thinking about old times, ya know, when Steve was nothing more than a little guy from Brooklyn." They both chuckled as he continued. "There was this girl with gorgeous chocolate hair, big blue eyes -- always by his side. She was a bit of a firecracker, not afraid to speak from her heart and be herself." Vicky raised her eyebrows at him knowingly, wondering where this was going. "Despite how much she shined, I still remained blinded, like a fool in the dark."

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