Chapter 30: Welcome to the World

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CHAPTER SUMMARY: As Bucky and Sam continue on with their mission now with Zemo tagging along, Vicky receives a visit and a surprise as she finds herself going into labor early. Welcome Winnie Barnes into the world.

CHAPTER WARNINGS: So much more goes down in this chapter. Childbirth Process and some Violence.

Everlasting Love from Brooklyn

Chapter 30: Welcome to the World

The sound of footsteps in the apartment the next day woke Vicky from her sleep. Not sure if it was Bucky or not, she started to slowly get up from the bed, going to grab one of the weapons they hide around the house in case of an emergency. Cocking the gun, she started to aim it, ready for whoever would come through the bedroom.

Her eyes widened, seeing a familiar face. "Ayo..." Vicky mumbled, putting down the gun. "What are you doing here?"

"Your husband has freed Zemo from his prison."

Vicky sighed, wondering just what Sam and Bucky were up to this time. "Ah, crap."

Realizing the woman didn't know, Ayo seemed to ease around her. "I've given him 8 hours before the Dora Milaje move in and take back Zemo."

"Did they tell you what they were up to with him?" asked Vicky.

The warrior shrugged. "They needed him for a mission. I'm not sure what exactly."

"Thanks for warning me."

With a nod of her head, Ayo began to make her leave as Vicky started to text her husband, wondering what the heck was going on. Their quiet life together had suddenly gotten turned around again in the blink of an eye and Vicky wasn't sure how much more she could take of it -- especially with a child on the way now.

Once she sent the text to her husband, she sat down on the chair in their living room, trying to calm herself despite the kicks she was feeling from Winnie. Anyday soon she would have Winnie and the last thing she wanted was for Bucky to not be around when it happened, or it taking place during the worst time.

More hours had gone by as she waited desperately in her chair with worry for someone to tell her what was going on.

"I wish you were here, Steve. I need you right now." She mumbled.

As if the universe was answering her prayer, there was a sudden knock at the door. "Coming!" Vicky said, not sure exactly who it was this time to bug her. She opened the door and almost burst out crying right there before remembering she had a secret to keep. "Come in." However, once that door was shot, Vicky smiled up at the old man. "Stevie! I'm so glad to see you." She wanted to take him into a hug, but neither of them could handle that right now. "What are you doing in Brooklyn?"

"I had a feeling you would need me." He smiled, looking her over. "You're not far along now."

"Nope, not at all."

Steve nodded, glancing around the apartment, looking for another familiar face. "Where's Buck?"

This caused her to sigh, going to take a seat in the living room with him. "Trouble as usual. He's on a mission with Sammy and...I guess things went wrong, I have no idea. I'm so far out of the loop now that I don't even know what's going on until others inform me."

Seeing the sad, longing look on his sister's face as she rubbed her stomach, Steve knew something was going on between the three of them. They all had problems and seemed to not be fully communicating them with each other.

Steve already knew Sam turned down the shield after seeing the news of the new Captain America. Bucky must still be having nightmares of his days of the Winter Soldier and terrified of becoming a father, not wanting to hurt Vicky or his child. And as for Vicky, well -- she didn't want to be left alone ever again, much less have this child without Bucky by her side.

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