Carrying the two wet witches back to base, they seem so happy and exhausted from all the excitement. Its only mid day and they are sleeping, what am I going to do with these two.
Back the hanger I unequip my unit and do the same for the girls. As I hoist them up on my shoulders the others fly into the hanger. The Commander gives me a smile seeing me take care of the two sleeping beauties.
Ashley - ' I'll bring them to thier rooms. Is there a debrief? '
Commander Minna - ' No, after you bring them to thier rooms, join us in the dinning room for lunch. '
Ashley - ' Yes, Ma'am. '
I carry the wet pooch and cat back to thier rooms and change them out of thier wet clothes. They have nice growing bodies. I also tuck them in and make my way to the dinning room.
I reach the dinning room and everyone else is there, except the 3 sleeping witches. Looking at everyone and that there is no food there.
Ashley - ' whos cooking? '
The expression of everyone goes pale, and they slowly look at the Commander. Alright dying in combat is fine, so it natural causes, but her cooking no.
Ashley - ' If everyone is okay with it, id like to cook lunch. '
Commander Minna - ' I can come help you. '
Oh god no! Please for the 7 divines no.
Ashley - ' I was going to ask if Eila wanted to help me, as Im interested in the differences in faraway land cooking and Suomus cooking. '
Eila - ' ah! Yeah, ill help. '
She seems quite eager to come join me in the kitchen, must mean she get pestered with questions if she didn't.
Commander Minna - ' Alright then, I'll stay sitted then. '
Ashley - ' Im sure the others habe question about today Commander. '
As I say that I make my way into the kitchen with Eila in tow. I check what kind of ingredients we have. Mostly high preservatives. Maybe crêpes and poutine would be good, i have all the ingredients for it. Alright lets do this.
Ashley - ' Eila, can you help me by mixing these and by setting the stove? '
Eila - ' Uhhh, sure? '
Its easy work she coulnt mess it up unlike a certain break witch.
We finish in record time, we even have maple syrup, I wonder who ordered that? Lets bring these out now, they should enjoy it.
Ashley - ' I made crêpes and poutine, you can garnish the crêpe with any of these ingredients to add flavor or you could eat it like a pancake. Its all up to you. '
Everyone starts digging in. I grab a crêpe and fill it with strawberries and some syrup. I finish one crêpe, all the others are still eatting. I get up and bring my plate back to the kitchen and clean it.
I leave the dinning room ahead of the others. Maybe a walk sounds good.
I take a walk around the island, and find a nice clearing in a small forest area. This will be the spot I take Eila. At this rate Eila will have a loli harem. Lucky her. I relax in the clearing for the rest of the day.
I make my way to the hanger for some more maintenance on my striker. Lets set diffrent modes on it. Bastion mode, maximizes the output of the shield. Saber mode, enhances maneuverability of the unit. Rider mode, greatly increases the speed of the unit. All mode are able to be changed on the fly.
After messing with my unit the sun has started to set, and I make my way to the dinning room. Yoshika and Bishop are cooking supper for everyone, I make my way over and side on the other side of Eila. A loli on each side of you, how scandalous.
We end up eatting alot of food today. Barkhorn is showing signs of avoiding Yoshika now. Well should be soon that is all starts.
We finish up and bring all our dish to the kitchen. I turn and catch up to Eila.
Ashley - ' Eila, wait up. Can we go out tonight? '
Eila turns to me, Litvyak also turns to me then looks at Eila.
Eila - ' Right, the bet. Just for tonight. Its only because you won the bet. '
Litvyak - ' Eila, what bet? '
Eila looks troubled on how to respond to her question. Lets help her out.
Ashley - ' We made a bet that the winner get to ask one thing of the loser . I asked for her to hang out with me .'
I shoot a look at Eila, you owe me. Eila nods in thanks.
Eila - ' Yeah, ill spend some time woth Ashley then ill catch up to you okay Sanya? '
Litvyak nods and walks off. Eila turns to me and gestures to lead the way. I bring her the the clearing I found and with some blankets .
Ashley - ' Here we are. '
We lay down and look up to the stars. Even the stars here are beautiful. I turn me head to look at Eila but she seems to be thinking of something else or rather someone else.
Ashley - ' This is a good spot, early morning would make this place look dazzling. '
Eila - ' Are bet was for one date. '
Ashley - ' I know, I'm not talking about that but rather the actual person you want to bring here. '
My comment stuns Eila for some time, the silence becomes prevalent in the area. No noise besides our breathing. We just lay there for an hour. I guess its time to go back now. I get and start walking away leaving Eila behind, before I leave I stop to tell her one final thing.
Ashley - ' Ill make some strong coffee tomorrow morning. You should take her here, it would make her happy for you to actually act. '
After I say my thing I leave after soon distance I start running. I run all the way to my room. I crawl into my bed and cry. I scream into my pillow at how unfair life is. I continue cring until I fall alseep.

Fenrir in the 501st
Science FictionAshley a young girl, get caught by a new truck-kun tactic. she is given choices to have power. She marches forward and explores a world of fiction, a world with out pants.