After breakfast I join Pokryshkin in the hanger. I walk over to the maintenance crew and look over how they are handling maintenance, it seems that they aren't doing to good with the new Fuso unit, some parts as misaligned and not set properly. Half the machines in here are useless. Pokryshkin comes to me side.
Pokryshkin - ' What do you think of the unit? '
Ashley - ' Its a high quality unit but, from a glance I can tell it requires a good amount a magical energy to use properly. If Karibuchi is going to be using it then she would uave to be really good at controlling her magic with the amount she has. I feel like she would get better results if it was a normal Zero model. Did they send the unit here for tests or for deployment?'
Pokryshkin - ' Its a mass production test model. So we should be sendimg back results of its flight. '
Ashley - ' I see then, I wouldn't really be able to modifications to help jer fly if you have to send the statistics back to Fuso. I might be able to call in a favor from Sakamoto to send a Zero unit here. But it would take some time before it gets here. '
Pokryshkin - ' A spare unit would do us a lot of help. '
Ashley should I help you on the other units? '
Pokryshkin - ' that would appreciated.'
Both Pokryshkin and me examine the other units and go over how to fix them and how to do some modifications to help the witch piloting the unit. Rossmann also came and joined us half way through our examination of the units. We hear someone talking to them selves we walk over to see who it was only to see Hikari.
Pokryshkin - ' What are you doing? '
Loking around I find that there was a worl bench in the corner, I break off woth the other to go look at it. On top of it was several repair diagrams for strikers. I look over all of them, lookig at places that could be improved or are just not needed. But a simple diagram like these aren't the same as a blueprint. Im pretty sure I could draw some blueprints of any of the striker here when if I take them apart.
The sound of an engine draws my attention to Hikari powering the striker. I walk over to see how she's doing. I look at the test measurements, damn they are pretty bad but, If she puts in the effort she could pull it off and fly it properly.
She then receives permission to take off. The unit stutters and cause a imbalance in propulsion of the unit. Her control is all over the place, she like Yoshika but with only a drop of magic. Looks like Ill have to help out too. Its a shame I can't modify the new Fuso unit, I could add magic batteries and some capacitors to help witches with little to no magic.
Hikari comes back for a landing and hooks up the unit back to its docking station. Some measurement machines are pulled out and hooked up to the unit. I lean over Pokryshkin side to see the the device. Its seems I was right.
Pokryshkin - ' It seems you dont have the magical power to fly this unit. '
Hikari - ' But I was able to fly it before. '
Rossmann - ' because it let you. '
Ashley - ' To be exact, there was ambient magical power from your sister still in the unit that coupled with yours allowed to to fly. '
Some angry stop come up from behind me.
Kanno - ' That Takami's Unit right? Someone like you can't use it. I will use it. '
Hikari - ' This unit belongs to my sister and me! '
Well no it belongs to Fuso. And it supposed to be running tests but it pilot was wounded and now an amateur is using it. I would have to agree with Kanno to let her use it but...
Ashley - ' I pretty sure with some time Karibuchi would be able to pilot it. '
They all look at me. Kanno look at me im anger, both Pokryshkin and Rossmann look at my confused like I'm seeing something they aren't. Kanno and Hikari argue back and forth for a bit before Rossmann calls Pokryshkin, Hikari and me to go see Rall.
We get to her office, Rossmann and Pokryshkin say their part on wanting Hokari to leave.
Ashley - ' Ive seen someone with no experience as a witches fight, Karibuchi has talent she just needs someone to teach her. '
Hikari - ' In the last battle I was able to see the core! '
Rall - ' Well, Rossmann look into that. '
The alarm suddenly goes off. Of course there had to be a Neuroi attacking right now. I follow the others to hanger as the plan who sorties. I stay behind with Rall.
Rall - ' You really think she will be able to fight? '
Ashley - ' This fight no. Not with the current control of her magic when she pilots that unit. If you give her an older model she should be fine as a witch. She has training unlike Yoshika, Sakamoto picked her up on a whim. '
Rall - ' Should I let Rossmann have her for a week? '
Ashley - ' Considering she taught Hartmann. I have a feeling she could pull out the diamond in the rough. Ultimately it's your decision, its your wing after all. '
Rall - ' I'll give it more thought. '
I leave Rall to do her own thing. I go back to my room to write a letter to everyone. For Yoshika, I tell her how there is one girl who make me think of her. Someone happy to help everyone and currently not good at flying. For Sakamoto, I tell her how we might need an older model for one of the new witches here, Karibuchi Takami's little sister has bad magic control and low power. I write a joint letter for Perrine and Bishop, I ask them how they are doing, how is Gallia?. A letter to Shirley and Lucchini, on how their adventures are going. Sanya and Eila, telling them how im doing, and if they are near by they should come visit. Hartmann and Barkhorn, telling Barkhorn that I wish Hartmann was here over a serial flirt, I also ask how Barkhorn's sister is doing. When I try to write Minna's letter I get stumped, I don't know how to start it. So I decide to write on every that has happend here including getting leered at by a certain witch. Then the rest of the letter comes naturally, telling her how much I miss her and that I want see her again. I find the envelopes to put the letters in and write the recipient and milltary numbers to make it easier for letter to reach their recipient. After writing the letters its already evening, I make my way to dinner with everyone. Later that night I send my letters.

Fenrir in the 501st
Fiksi IlmiahAshley a young girl, get caught by a new truck-kun tactic. she is given choices to have power. She marches forward and explores a world of fiction, a world with out pants.