The Holiday miracle

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It's been a few weeks since the striker incident, things have calmed down now. One of the most funniest moments durring the incident was Krupinski both fearing me and begging to be my student. I was glad Rossmann was there to help me keep her under control.

Right now I'm looking out the window  at the trio of trouble. They are sliding around on a sled on the ice. I prefer to enjoy my coffee and watch the sunrise in a warm environment. As I'm in thought I look back to the trio as they fall through the ice. Haaa... I rub my face with my hand. I really hope its not too serious for Hikari now. Ill go start the wood stove in her room. As I get the stove fire set and properly burning, Kanno and Nippa bring Hikari into her room.

Nippa - ' Ashley? What are you doing here? '

Ashley - ' Seen you three fall into the river, figured that since Hikari has low magic she would get sick at that rate. I was right. Lay her down, Ill go get Georgette, one of you stay here the other get a spare blanket. She needs to stay warm. '

I see Kanno get up and run off to find a blanket. I walk to the kitchen to where I know I'll find Georgette. 

At the kitchen I see Georgette and Shimohara looking pretty down in the kitchen.

Ashley - ' Whats going on? '

Shimohara - ' We are low on food and other supplies.  Im struggling to fimd something to make for dinner. '

Ashley - ' You'll figure something out.  By the way Georgette,  can you go check on Hikari,  she collapsed with a fever. '

Georgette's fave shows surprise and them she runs off to Hikari's room. I leave the kitchen to walk around the base to pass time.

After walking for a bit Rall calls all of us to the briefing room. We all meet up in the briefing room except for Hikari who is still in bed.

Rall - 'I called you all here to tell you of the situation, we are pretty much out of all our supplies, we have no way of getting more, with the warehouse hit in the last attack even the army has no resources to spare. As such we will cancel the Saturnus festival.  '

Nippa - ' What! You can't do that! '

Everyone turns to look at her. I then stand up and drew everyone's attention. 

Ashley - ' We should keep the festival going. I have a feeling that a miracle will happen. '

This catches Rall's and Rossmann's attention. I notice their sudden shift in attention. So Minna told them, they aren't pushing me for answers, so that's good. We finish up the meeting and go out separate ways for the day.

We all meet up again for dinner, only to have what anyone would call scraps for food. We all retire for the night feeling slightly filled.

The morning comes and the other are running around preparing for the festival. I go to the hanger and prep my unit. I sit around in the hanger until late after noon, Krupinski comes by delivering some soup. One glance at the soup and I know its not good. I refuse the bowl. And get back to looking at my unit. As Krupinski left I hear her mumble something about not being in the spirts. A few minutes pass by and the base is filled with laughter, I made a good call. As I take a sigh of relief the alarms go off and I jump in my unit. Nippa runs i to the hanger and get in her unit, we take off together.  I form up in her and we fly to were the Neuroi was last reported.  We see it in the distance, it fires it beams and hits the base, damn it. As we fight the Neuroi it turns invisible we separate to better search for the Neuroi. I fly low to see if it can see it and I do. I take aim and fire a few shots hiting it but not destroying it. Its cloak got disabled and Nippa is now able to see it, she flys into combat and starts shooting it only her her gun to jam and to be pressured by the Neuroi beams. I finish reloading my gun, only for missiles to come out of the clouds and hit the Neuroi revealing it's core. Then a machine gun fires hitting the core and destroying the Neuroi.  I look to were the fore came from and see two people I missed so much. I kick my unit into over drive and crash into one of them.

Ashley - ' EILA! '

Eila - ' Woah, Ashley calm down. '

I rub my head into Eila as she hugs me. I turn my head to Sanya.

Ashley - ' It's nice to see you girls again. '

I smile to Sanya amd she smiles back. I form up with them and finish the escort of the supply sled.

We all land in the hanger and unload the sled. Everyone is joyful that we got supplies, I stick near Eila and Sanya.

Eila - ' So how is everything here in the 502nd? '

Ashley - ' Its going pretty well, I did have to fly in a blizzard for a full 24 hours, but im all good now. '

Eila - ' Hmmm, How were you after the mission? '

Ashley - ' Hahaha, I have  no idea what you mean. '

Eila then wraps her arm around my head and roughly rubs my head. I shout in protest, Sanya is watching us and laughing. I get out of Eila hold and turn to Sanya.

Ashley - ' Right, I was so happy I seen you again I almost forgot. '

I pull out a travel tea brewing set with some tea and some jam for it.

Ashely - ' Happy birthday, Sanya. '

Sanya grabs my gift gently and then puts it to the side. She then come up to me and hugs me.

Sanya - ' Thank you. '

I return the hug. We all turn to the 502nd members and watch the festival. Krupinski then offers everyone a glass of alcohol, for celebration. I take a peak at Eila to see her reaction to me moving to accept a glass. She looks at me with a hard stare. I shrink back and avoid the alcohol. I drag both of them to join everyone else in the festivities.

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