The Legendary Death flag

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Shooting off the last of the bullets in my magazine, I put my gun on safty and clear the chamber. I turn to put my gun away only to be face to face with Krupinski, not even thirty centimeters (1 foot) away from my face

Ashley - ' Ahhh! To close! '

I stumble backwards and fall the ground. I look up to her with a glare. She trying so hard to not laugh, but there was also concern in her eyes. She reaches her hand out to pull me up. I take her hand and with her help I pull myself up.

Ashley - ' So what are you doing here so late? '

Krupinski - ' I could ask you the same thing. You are flying solo tomorrow,  you should have some rest. '

Ashley - ' You managed to say something useful without flirting. Wow, I'm impressed. Im used to long nights. You don't help my sleep schedule either. '

Krupinski - ' I can talk without flirting,  you're still young you should sleep more, but that seems hard if I'm keeping you up at night. '

She wiggles a bit as she said the last part. I can feel my eye twitching from this, Perine was a better flirt then her. But she was also a stalker. Now that I think about it, why do all witches have these kinds of personalities. I break myself out of thought and dead stare at Krupinski.

Ashley - ' I would be able to get sleep if some witches don't break their units  so much. I'm going to start calling you O'hare, one, two, and three. I'll  be headding off to sleep, Id rather not listen to whats going to happen. '

This confuses Krupinski till a short but firm cough happens behind her. I continue to leave only to hear hear Krupinski shout.

Krupinski - ' Ahhh! What are you doing here? '

Hearing her nervous tone make me stifle a giggle. Let's hope tomorrow's flags aren't to bad.

I wake up early before the morning alarm goes off. I make my way to the kitchen, and get some coffee before headding to the hanger to check over my unit.

As I finish up my check on my unit I see 4 witches come into the hanger.

Hikari - ' I'm so excited this will be the longest I have flown! '

Kanno - ' Shut up. Why are you so loud in the morning? '

Nippa - ' Kanno, you don't yave to be so mean. '

The three stooges are off in their own world. Meanwhile the hopeless romantic is making some pretty creepy laughing sounds to a picture. I sometimes wonder how Krupinski has not been punished for fraternization. She probably did but it didn't do anything.

I shift my attention to my equipment and supplies that I will bring with me.  I have my guns, MRE's , A radio, and a blanket. The trip should only take a day to get there. Id spend the night at the base and fly back here. Thats if everything goes well. I pat myself down to make sure I have the letter. Feeling it in my breast pocket I let a sigh of relief.

Krupinski - ' Alright lets take off now!'

Well seems like shes done gawking at the picture. I enter my unit and power it up, I fallin behind the other as we take off.

Ashley - ' Krupinski, I'll give you a warning right now, don't drink too much alright. '

Krupinski - ' I know my limits,  besides I don't have any grape juice on me right now. '

I sigh knowing she will drink it all anyways. Damn alcoholic. I would be one too if it weren't for Minna. I miss her warmth.

We fly in formation for a bit longer, I check my watch to see that It should be time for me to divert my course to the north so I can reach 507nd's base.

Ashley - ' I'm diverting now, take care of them Krupinski. '

Krupinski - ' Yeah, Yeah. I wouldn't let these cuties get hurt. '

I nod to her and turn out of the formation. I pick up some speed as I don't have to match with the others.

A long flight woth just my self is pretty boring, is this how Sanya feel whenever she does night patrol. Wait... I think I remember something about that, she can hear the radio due to her magical ability. Lucky her. It's getting harder to remember every little thing. Remembering the big things is easy but little things like what people will say or will do. Is getting blurry. With things slowly changing I'm going to have to try harder. I won't let any of them get hurt. I will make sure they can all fly, that they will all make it back home. Not the base but their home lands. They have done so much for me.

My train of though is broken, as I narrowly dodge a red beam. Only a few hours in to my flight and I'm being attacked. My back also feel lighter. Looking back I see my back pack with the radio falling to the ground. Welp there goes my coffee break, the radio for reinforcements, the map, water and food. Can it get any worse? All of a sudden more beams come out of the clouds. I spin and avoid them all not before my machine gun gets hit, only leaving me my cannon. I just had to tempt fate.  Alright lets get this ...over...with. out of the clouds descends multiple large Neuroi with carrier capabilities to launch small Neuroi swarms. This is great just great! Not like there will be an even bigger Neuroi to come out too. The last to descend from the clouds is a colossal Neuroi covered in patches of red for its beams. I will make it back, I made a promise after all. I still have something to tell her.


Minna - ' Ashley, promise me you will be safe. '

Ashley - ' Hahaha. I promise. I also promise that I'll come back home. '

I give Minna a smile. I turn to get on my plane to go to the 502nd's base. I pause for a second before continuing I can tell her next time we see eachother again.'

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