First light breaks through my window and stirs me awake, the pain of my stomach jolts me fully awake and ready for my day.
Maybe I shouldn't have skipped dinner. Oh well let's get changed and and get to the dinning hall.
Walking through the twists and turns of the base I reach the dinning hall. Only on person it about there. One Suomus witch. Pilot Officer Juutilainen, we lock eyes. Her dazzling blue eyes follow my movement as I grab a plate and coffee and sit down in front of her.
Ashley - ' Has any told you- '
Pilot Officer Juutilainen - ' Yes, some have. '
Ashley - ' What has your cards said about me? '
This question catches her off guard. Looks like she only really observant and can read people to some degree of she didnt expect that.
Pilot Officer Juutilainen - ' Just call me Eila, as for my cards that you should not have know about. Nor should you have know I did a reading on you. I guess Mina was right you do have some way to see the future or at least know of some events. '
Ashley - ' Well, knowing you as long as your angel is safe, you dont really care. Don't worry though, from what i remember as I seem to have forgotten alot of stuff i was shown, I know that she will be completely safe. '
Eila stares at me for a minute, before closing her eyes and nods.
Eila - ' I can tell you know more then you let on but you are also telling the truth. Strange. Im guessing you dont want to to tell the Major and the Commander? '
Ashley - ' I really dont mind. Want to make a bet? '
This immediately catches her interest, and she gives me her full attention waiting for me to the her the bet.
Ashley - ' Lets bet who kills the next neuroi. '
Eila - ' The stakes? '
Ashley - ' I take you out on a date. '
Eila thinks for a moment before a glint passes her eyes and she grins
Eila - ' Hmmmm, you tell me everything you remember from your clairvoyance. '
Ashley - ' Deal '
We shake on it. I finish my food and sip my coffee waitong for her to pick who will get the next kill.
Eila - ' Since you made this bet I know it not going to be any of the aces so, but it could as be a trap, maybe even a kill from a non witch. '
Ashley - ' Only witches. '
She looks back to me seeing my smile like I already won. Which surprises her and she goes into deep thought.
She finally looks like she got the answer, and she blurts out .
Eila - ' Its going to be that new girl, Miyagugy or something. Whos your bet? '
She smiles and looks at me like she solved the unsolvable and thay she already won.
Ashley - ' Well, I think you got me. Since I can't pick the cute puppy, Ill pick the at with the big tits. Also known as Bishop. '
Eila looks smugly towards me
Eila - ' I seen her fight she can't do anything. '
I glance to the clock in the room. Well training is starting soon. Better get going.
Ashley - ' Be seeing you around, the Major is calling for trainning not like I really need it. '
I get and put all my stuff away. Then I leave the dinning room and make my way to the hanger.
The walk is quicker then I expected for a base this big. Upon entering the hanger im greeted to the sight of one Major and 2 sergeant get a lecture on how formation work amd what formation they use here. Looks like I missed some important stuff.
Major Sakamoto - ' and we will always have a wingman to follow you as it is safer if someone was watching your back. This concludes the lecture. '
I walk over the the group expecting to reprimanded by the Major.
Major Sakamoto - ' Good your all here now, Miyafuji and Bishop, you both with pair up and chase O'Neil and you must stay in formation. O'Neil you have permission to fly how ever you like. So all of you get equipped and get to the runway. '
I equip my striker and make my way to the run way. I look over to my left amd see the Commander and the Major standing side by side. Yoshika and Bishop pull up behind me and get ready to take off.
I look over to the Major waitig for her signal to take off. She raises her hand and drops it. I burst off and take the full runway to maximize my speed before pulling up. I check my rear to see how for the duo is. They are a good distance away. Let climb to a good height.
Getting to the high of dog fights, i wait for them to catch up.
A good 3 minutes for them to catch up to me. There units should over power mine in all areas. I guess Yoshika needs more training. Oh well the start the exercise.
The duo b-line straight towards me thier formation is tighting they lost focus and only see the goal. I move back mayching thier speed as they arnt even useing their unit to the max output. They get closer and closer to eachother and the crash. They manage to catch them selves and come at me again.
This time they keep their formation but Yoshika is falling behind. Lets check their reaction time. I cut the magic engine and let my self drop altitude, and turn them back on near the water and start flying around the training poles. They try to follow me but keep having to stop and ajust them self and for Yoshika to catch up.
This goes on for sometime, the sun is setting and the Major calls us back.
I make my way over and land. After I land I wait around to hear the Commander tell Yoshika about Bishop. After hearing that the Commander walk back into the hang , she stop
Commander Minna - ' Its not good to eavesdrop on conversations. '
After she says that she continues to walk away. Not like I was hiding. Lets eat before everyone else id rather not have everyone watch me.
The dinning room empty as its a little to early for supper, I fix my self some toast and eat quickly before going back to my room. Tomorrow is the day I win my bet. I strip down to my underwear and crawl into bed and go to sleep, and imagine all the way i can make Eila flustered on our date.

Fenrir in the 501st
Ciencia FicciónAshley a young girl, get caught by a new truck-kun tactic. she is given choices to have power. She marches forward and explores a world of fiction, a world with out pants.