Sleepy wolfs

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Waking up, I do my usual morning routine. At breakfast today Yoshika, Sanya and Eila have to go to bed during the day for night patrol until the neuroi is dealt with. Im pretty sure Minna kept me off that team because its still really awkward between me and Eila. That and I really help with her paper work.

Ashley - ' Yoshika is getting better with her magic, but im worried as she gains more control, the amount she has will also increase. We should get her someone who can train her on that. Maybe Rossmann? I heard she trained Erica. And look how she turned out... I mean as a witch. As a functioning person, she leaves... much to be desired.'


Minna - ' Hahaha, that would be good but shes with the 502nd up in Suomus, and they need everyone they can get. If we had more breathing room and if the neuroi were still predictable. It would work.'

Ashley- ' if we cant take a witch that active why not take a retired one to help? '

Minna - ' that could work who do yo have in mind? '

Ashley - ' Beurling. Shes friends with the sister of two of the witches here, as well as the flash of fuso. So it would do good. '

Minna - ' Your also forgetting she had suicidal tendencies, shes an alcoholic and she cant use magic anymore. '

Ashley - ' Even if she cant use magic she would still be able to help. '

Minna - ' Ill see what I can do. Why im I doing this? '

Ashley - ' Because its for the girls. '

Minna then gives me a smile. I return one. Then I put another pile of paper work on her desk without breaking my smile.

Didnt Commander Rall have a back problem, if Yoshika can focus her healing she might be able to fully heal Commander Rall, then the 502nd will owe us. This is brilliant!

After sometime of doing paper work we go for lunch with the other girls as Yoshika is asleep I cook lunch for everyone. Everyone enjoyed it, although I dont find my cooking tastes as good as Yoshika's. We continue are routine till later at night where I stay up with the Sakamoto and Minna, I make tea for Sakamoto and a coffee for Minna and me. They stay awake for the 3 for the night patrol. This going to be taxing on their bodies. I wish I was a higher rank  could handle more paperwork for Minna then.

They come back early morning and the two haven't slept at all. At this point Im getting mad that they are doing this to them selves. I cook two different breakfasts one for the girls going to sleep and one for the ones waking up.

After breakfast, I bring Minna and Sakamoto tea not just any kind of tea but tea thats calms you and help you go to sleep. After some time they both fall alseep, I move both of them to the couches in the office. Then I sit in one of the open chairs and also fall sleep. I wake up to knocking at the door so I get up and open the door and see Barkhorn there.

Ashley - ' What time is it? '

I said rubbing my eyes. Barkhorn loosk confused for a moment before seeing Sakamoto and Minna sleeping on the couches and a blanket resting on the chair.

Barkhorn - ' Its a little past noon everyone was wondering where you were as you are the only on that can cook that is awake during this time. '

Ashley- ' Im takig care of these two, they refused to sleep and were worried the entire night for the night team. As it was their first night. Injust managed to get them to sleep not to long ago. Lets go to the kitchen ill cook you girls something. '

Me and Barkhorn go to the dinning room and everyone is sitting down waiting. I break off and go intk the kitchen and make coffee and make food for the girls. Something simple as Im also very tired from not sleeping yet. As im cooking im enjoying some coffee and it keeps me awake till I can finish thier food and serve them.

I go back to Minna's office and organize her paper work and clean up the office. After im done I go to sleep. I soon wake up to Minna and Sakamoto talking. Hearing them talk I pretend im still sleeping.

Minna - ' I still can't believe she made us go to sleep. '

Sakamoto - ' She was worried about us, she stayed up with is all night, making she we were awake. The time she disappeared longer I found out she prepared our strikers for immediate action. Then in the morning she knew we had nothing to do so she "let" us sleep. '

Minna - ' It worries me, how far would she go for us? The only interaction she has is with us, she doesn't send letter home nor does she get them. Well she got a parcel once for blueprints then she sent them back after working on it a bit. When I asked about it she had to think of a reason why she had the blueprints. She carrying alot more weight on her shoulders then we think. Im pretty sure she knows and remembers what her familiar showed her with the clairvoyance, but she wont tell us as it might be dangerous if she didnt know what would happen. I would rather she tell us so we can help her. '

They really care about me, but who im I really here? I have a story but I don't remember anything. Could it be something happend and my memories are lock away? Could I really say that im not from here, that I seen what happens as a form of entertainment? Would they accept it would they accept me?

I start slowly moving about and stretching, pretending to wake up.

Ashley - ' Mmmm, morning. What time is it? '

I hear Minna giggle, when I open my eyes I see Sakamoto smiling. Slightly tilting my head in confusion.

Ashley - ' What's so funny? '

Minna then get up and pulls out a handkerchief and wipes my mouth. I look back at her wide eyed, her face slightly flushed. I feel my face heat up like I put it into a fire. The mood around me and Minna is pink for a second before, Sakamoto starts laughing loudly.

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