A Calm Day

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Since we killed the regenerating Neuroi, some time has passed. Relocation of military assets out of the near by area. Not much has happend, I still need to make sure Hikari is properly training, I should make her stop and rest too. 

A short cough behind  me catches my attention. I turn around to see Rossmann.

Ashley - ' Did you need me for something? '

Rossmann - ' You knew about it's regeneration? '

Ashley - ' I said It was a gut feeling, not much more to say, also The Neuroi are making new plans and tactics. Ill be relocated durring the operation. I'll be on the train with the supplies going to the near by base. '

Rossmann locks her gaze onto my eyes, looking to see If I was lying.

Rossmann - ' So thats it then, you're leaving with the train? '

Ashley - ' Yeah, it seems I'm to escort the train incase of any attacks. As well as act as QRF for the operation if major problems arise. '

Rossmann - ' You think any problems would arise? '

Ashley - ' I can almost guaranty it, something will happen. I'll be waiting on stand by the entire time on the train.

Rossmann - ' understood. '

I watch as she leaves down the hall way. Oh, right I need to get Hikari to rest for tomorrow.

I find Hikari running laps around the base her speed and the control she has over her magic has improved greatly, she wastes little to no magic when using it now.

Ashley - " Hikari, go get in your striker, and wait for me. "

Hikari - " Yes! "

I see her run off to the hanger, I sigh, why is she so energetic all the time. I slowly make my way to the hanger passing Commander Rall on the way.

Ashley - " I'm going to have a mock dog fight with Hikari. "

Rall - " when did you get permission to sortie? "

Ashley - " consider it a final test for her to see if she can fly in full combat tomorrow. "

Rall - " she should be getting rest the like rest of us. "

Ashley - " I would say the same thing but she just has to much energy. "

Rall sighs and nods her head in a agreement.

Rall - " Alright I'll allow it. "

Ashley - " Got it "

I give her a mock a salut and jog over to the hanger.

When I get to the hanger I see Hikari im her striker with Nippa and Kanno also with thier stikers on.

Ashley - " Im taking Hikari out for trainning, are you too sure you want to come along? I will make the trainning much more difficult. "

Kanno - " Let's just start this thing "

I give a glance to Hikari to see her opinion in this matter,  she just look at me with resolve and determination in her eyes.

Ashley - " alright go in the air prepare an ambush you have till im finish my checks and such. "

I see all three of them zoom off, well i guess I can be a lil rough with them.

I equip me unit and start going over the checks for it. Rossmann appears behind me.

Rossmann - " why are you taking off we have a major Operation tomorrow."

Ashley - " originally it was just supposed to be Hikari, but two of the others joined in, she has good friends. "

Rossmann - " Please don't go overboard. "

Ashley - " They'll be fine."

Probably. I honestly couldn't give a definite answer, its all up to them.

Ashley - " Im taking off now, Rall should be over seeing this if you want to join her. "

She give me a nods in walks off, i rev up me unit and take off, flying in the sky. 
I gain altitude and wait to see if they can ambush me. they sadly were spoted, I was not. Let's get this fight on the road. I line up a shot on Kanno first and fire. 

Ashley - " One down, step it up girls."

I fly off and hide back in the clouds, I see Nippa next and I shoot her as well.

Ashley - " Two down. "

I see Hikari hovering still in the open, I line up a shot and fire, she throws her shield up that deflects it.  I fly closer to her to try and overwhelm her, she responds with evasive manuvers and coming closer to me. she trying to tag me, how interesting. I start shooting less and dodging more. I let her get closer each time, and just as she about to touch me i press the gun against her chest only then does she notice I still have it.

Ashley - " Check mate. lets land now."

We land and me and Hikari see Nippa and Kanno getting out of the units. We also disembark for our unit and gather together.

Ashley - " You all need to stop getting tunnel vison, Nippa it was just bad luck the cloud cover broke and I seen you. Kanno, you got too impatient. Hikari, you did great at the begining but you lost yourself and lost track of your surroundings. All of you remember what I told you for tomorrow we can't mess it up. "

Girls - " Yes ma'am! "

They give a lil' mock salute, and they share a giggle with eachother. then Nippa stomach growls. then they all burst out laughing. 

Ashley - " come on ill go cook somthing. "

They start hopping around and run off.
I look off to the distance and think about everyone from the 501st, the times we were like this.
I see members of the 501st overlap with the three. strange its not rainning, oh well. I shake my head to clear my thoughts and make my way to the kitchen, to cook dinner.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2024 ⏰

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