Krupinski looks over to me, and gives me a smile. I avoid eye contact and find a place to sit down. I sit down to enjoy the heat against my body. I hear the sound of someone sliding closer to me. A moment of silence goes by before I turn and look towards Krupinski. She just staring at my stomach her face completely serious and her eyes filled with concern. I follow her gaze and it lands on my scar on my stomach.
Ashley - " This? I messed up. "
Krupinski - " That's not the kind of injury that you walk away from. "
Her gaze look directly into me eyes, full of seriousness. She keeps looking at me like I should explain what happened.
Ashley - " I got distracted in combat, the Neuroi got behind me. I didn't have enough time to put up a shield. My unit had an amazing medic from Fuso. She patched up my stomach. "
What I didn't tell her was that it was a different wound in the same place that Yoshika looked at. Her eyes flicker to my arm which also has a scar, but this one clearly shows it was a bullet wound.
Ashley - " Oh, this one. I got this one back in Faraway Land. My training instructor accidentally used live rounds for a mock battle. Its all healed up and doesn't cause me any problems. Well, I'm all warmed up. I'll be heading out now. "
I get up and leave the sauna. Not fully enjoying the time inside as I was being stared at the entire time. I get dressed and make my way to my room. The halls on this base are not confusing like back in Britannia. I should cook sometime, Its been awhile since I did. Not too many ingredients to choose from here. I could make my own bread, make some hamburgers. Fries, we do have alot of potatoes, maybe even chips. Some light salt on them. I change my course from my room to the kitchen.
In the kitchen, I see both Georgette and Shimohara in the kitchen cooking. Shimohara notices me enter the kitchen.
Shimohara - " Dinner is not for another hour. "
Ashley - " I was here to see if I was able to cook something. It wouldn't take long. What are you cooking by the way? "
Shimohara - " I'm cooking a stew with potatoes and meat. What did you have in mind for cooking? "
Ashley - " Liberion style potato fries. Also to make bread with some potatoes, maybe some chips too."
Shimohara - " I'm not to familiar with Liberion style cooking. "
Ashley - " I could teach you some recipes. Georgette would you like to taste some of my food? "
Georgette looks a little uncertain, before becoming determined. She stares at me with eye of expectations.
I forgot that she can eat. Well maybe I should make some chips for now, Shimohara has cooking handled today. A light salted chips would be good.
Ashley - " I'll make chips for today since you have dinner ready for tonight. I'll need some potatoes, cooking oil and salt. "
Shimohara - " I can get all that for you. Have you cooked a lot? "
Ashley - " Thanks. In my old unit, I cooked every so often, I mostly handled drinks, such as teas and coffees. So I'm pretty good at making drinks. "
Georgette - " Ummm... what happened to your old unit? Ah! Sorry if it's something you don't want to talk about. "
Ashley - " It's fine. My unit was disbanded. We completed our objective, the rest of the unit went our separate ways. one of us got discharged and went back to Fuso. Yeah last few days in my unit were pretty hectic, but we all made it out safe. "
Shimohara - " What unit were you apart of? "
Ashley - " We were the 501st Joint fighter wing, the strike witches. "
Saying this got quite a reaction from the two. the surprise and shock on their faces are quite funny. Shimohara stopped cooking and dropped her ladle she was cooking with. Georgette almost dropped the bowl she was holding on the floor but it landed on the counter and avoided shattering. I wave my yand in front of their faces to snap them out of the trance they are stuck in.
Shimohara - ' What, really? You were with the 501st. They are all heros. '
Georgette nods to her statement and looks at me with stars in her eyes. Thats kinda cute. I grab some potatoes and start thinly slicing them, I also prepare a pot with cooking oil inside and heating it up. I put my focus to cooking.
Ashley - ' I was with the 501st. We were a pretty eccentric family. We did alot together. Sorry to burst your perfect vision of us, all of us had our own quirks. We probably got into trouble at least twenty or so times a week. I miss them all dearly. '
A drop of water lands on my hand as Im cutting a potato. I stop to pull my hand up to my face to see why water fell on my hand. Rubing my face I feel my eyes are wet. I look over to Shimohara and Georgette they both look at me with concern. I give them a smile. The smile doesn't convince them, they look really sad for me.
Georgette - ' I think they miss you too. They must be thinking of everyone too. '
Shimohara - ' That's right! They must be thinking of you too. '
Ashley - ' Thank you. That really means a lot. Ah, the chips are ready. I clean up my mess and being these out to the table for everyone to enjoy. '
I clean everything up and bring a big bowl filled with chips out and place it on the dinning room table. I help set the table for dinner, after setting the table I sit down and enjoy some tea and chips as everyone slowly fills in from a day of fighing. Dinner was filled with life. I look at everyone at the table eatting and talking, It overlaps with a vision of everyone from the 501st.

Fenrir in the 501st
Science-FictionAshley a young girl, get caught by a new truck-kun tactic. she is given choices to have power. She marches forward and explores a world of fiction, a world with out pants.