Strike witches

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I stand proudly in front of all the modified units. I hear the groan5of metal behind me, then suddenly the light from outside shines into the hanger. I see 5 silhouettes come into the hanger.

Ashley - ' Took you all long enough to get back here. They are all good to go made sure the backup shield is running on all of them at double strength, unit performance is boosted to an additional 30%. Ah right, I also modified your guns, they will pack more of a punch now. I guess you will head out, I'll go clean the mess in the command room. '

Minna - ' Ashley slow down. Are you not going to join us? '

Ashley - ' I dont have a unit, and there are no spares they left with Beurling and Anabuki. Sakamoto, Yoshika and Perrine have their units on the Akagi. Right the military police will be here soon, Air Marshal Galland works fast.'

I turn to walk off but a hig wraps me from behind. I grab the hand of the one hugging me. I give a reassuring squeeze.

Ashley - ' It's fine Minna, I will always be on your side. '

I pull her hand to my lips and give it a kiss. Then I gently brake out of her grasp. I then make my way to the command center.

I get to the command center to see everyone fly by and go off to battle. I turn towards my uncle. He's sitting down looking to the floor. I go over to him and also sit down. 

Ashley - ' Galland and the military will be here soon.'

Maloney - ' So you were right. Well I have nothing left. '

Ashley - ' The 501st will take care of the rampaging warlock. The files all in the briefcase in Minna's office? '

Maloney - ' Yes, everything about the warlock project is in it. Good luck on the Paladin project.  '

Ashley - ' Yeah, thanks. See you around uncle. '

Maloney - ' No, this is a goodbye Ashley, tell your mother I'm sorry. '

I silently get up and leave the room. I walk around the base as its the last time I'll see it. I make myself a cup of coffee and sit in the lounge. Enjoying my coffee as I see the contrails of the girls fighting. I hear the door open behind me.

Galland - ' So, there is enough evidence to court marshal Maloney. We haven't found any of the documents of the warlock project, you wouldn't happen to know where they are do you? '

Ashley - ' I wonder. Are my transfer documents done? '

I turn in my seat to face Galland who entered the room and is now sitting across from me.

Galland - ' Yes, they are all done. Are you sure leaving before they come back? '

Ashley - ' Yeah, I caused them enough pain. I can't face them when I'm like this. '

Galland - ' Oh, like what? All I see is a girl who is too afraid to face her actions head on. '

Maybe she's right, why am I so scared to face them. Is it because, I lied to them, hid things from them. Am I really worthy of their friendship, their love?

Galland - ' Just be yourself when your with them. Sure they might be angry but they don't hate you. '

Ashley - ' yeah... I guess I'll stick around till they come back. '

Both me and Galland sit in the lounge waiting for everyone to come back. Its about two hours later that we hear the sound of strikers coming closer to the base. Galland and me walk to the hanger to meet everyone. When we reach the hanger everyone has their units unequipped and standing around talking. When both Galland and me walk in they all turn towards us.

Minna - ' Air Marshal Galland, It's a pleasure ma'am. '

Galland - ' At ease no need to be formal, just relax. I'll  leave this one here, I still have somethings to take care of. '

Galland then leaves me behind in the hanger with some very angry people. I turn back to the sound of heavy stomps towards me. A hard slap hits me across my face. Then a hug, followed by multiple other hugs.

Ashley - ' w-why, why do you still care about me. I lied to you all. '

Minna - ' You did it to protect us. Like you always have done. '

Ashley - ' Everyone,  thank you. '

We spend the rest of the day talking about our time here and were we will go after this, as the 501st is disbanded.  Minna, Barkhorn and Hartman are all going to join a Karlsland Wing for the time being,  Sakamoto and Yoshika are going back to Fuso. Perrine and Lynne are going to help Gallia become livable. Shirley and Lucchini are going off traveling around. Eila and Sanya are taking time off to look for Sanya's family and help other along the way. Then me I'm being reassigned to the 502nd. Everyone is surprised that I'm going to another frontline. We slowly all together explore the base one last time. Then slowly everyone starts leaving. 

Minna - ' Ashley, we won't see eachother for sometime. Don't do anything reckless alright? Promise me. '

Eila - ' Why are you getting her to promise something she can't keep. Could it be you want to punish her again in a maid uniform? '

This made both Minna and me go completely red. Eila don't tease me I'll get you back this coming Christmas, Ill unleash the fully operational Nippa on you. I look over to Sanya to see her tring to stifle a laugh. Sanya don't turn out like Eila okay?

Eila's and Minna's groups are stuck her until their transport comes by. Im going to be taking a plane to the 502nd base. But its not until later as Galland pulled some strings to delay the flight. I visit the clearing I found on base. I look up to the stars. I hear some braches brake and the sound of foot steps. Both Eila and Minna come into the clearing the moonlight outlining their figures. They are both really beautiful. Theu both sit beside me me on each side.

Minna  - ' You know why we're here? '

Ashley - ' To kill me, This place is isolated it would take a long time to find my body. '

Eila - ' That's right we are here to kill you. To kill you with love. '

I turn to face Eila to see what kind of face she is making for that statement, only to have a pair of lips crash in to mine. She separates and laughs. 

Eila - ' Maybe I should go for that harem that you keep mentioning. '

I look back Minna to see her pouting.

Minna - ' We agreed I would be first. '

I quickly look back to Eila as she stick her tongue out. She then gets up and leaves. I turn back to Minna.

Ashley - ' You did have my first kiss though. '

This comment made both Eila and Minna freeze. Eila runs back over panicked. 

Eila - ' What! When? '

Ashley - ' When I came back to life. This princess right here kissed me awake. '

I point to Minna who who is hiding behind her hands. I fake a sob.

Minna panics and looks over to me, only to meet my lips as I kiss her. We all spend the rest of the night talking on what we want to do after the war is over.

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