I'm sorry it turned out like this

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I continue to comfort a saddened Minna. After an hour of me holding here and reassuring here that I won't leave her, she finally separates from me.

Minna - ' I thought we lost you, the doctor said you flatlined. They were about to call it before your magic covered you and healed you. You were dead. '

Ashley - ' I'm not that easy to kill. Saying that now knowing I did technically die, it seems kinda wrong. Don't worry Minna I'm okay now. '

Minna - ' Don't "I'm okay" me Sakamoto and Eila told me what happened 2 nights ago. You watch me sleep with a bullet inside of you! I can't believe you, you could have died then, because I shot you. '

Ashley - ' You were hysterical, I don't blame you I did walk towards you when you had a loaded gun aimed at me. So it's my fault, it also my fault J got shot by the Neuroi, I should have seen it get behind me. '

Minna - ' It's done now, Miyafuji is confined to her room for half a month. Not like she wants to leave her room anyways. I had Lynne stay beside her, she hasnt left her room since the doctor said you flatlined. '

Ashley - ' Did you not tell her I'm not dead yet? '

Minna - ' No, Right now you are my priority. Lynne and Miyafuji are the only ones that don't know. '

Ashley - ' I'll go talk to them, better I go in person. '

Minna looks deeply into my eyes. Raw emotion passing across her face. She clearly wants to tell me something.

Ashley - ' You want me to stay ground for an undetermined amount of time?'

A look of surprise appears on her face, We been together for so long I can tell from some hints what you want to say.

I should be getting up now. Yoshika should know I'm alive. I swing my legs over the side of the bed. My sudden movments startle both Minna and Sakamoto, they both look at me in worry. Minna helps me stand from the bed. I feel fine, but I also feel heavy at the same time. I smile and pat Minna on the should to signal her I can walk. She reluctantly lets go of me and I slowly take a few steps to make sure I'm fully capable of walking.

Ashely - ' I should be good, I'll come back and get the doctor to look me over when I'm done talking to Yoshika. '

I walk out the door and make my way over to Yoshika's room. Today is the day the Warlock shows up. Everyone is already on edge.

I reach Yoshika's room, I knock on it, I hear a weak mubble. I guess she said to come in. I open the door to see lynne sitting on a chair near a blanket blob. That's actually kinda cute if I didn't know the reason why she is like this, I would glomp her. Lynne turn to me and looks very surprised and happy. I move my finger to my lips noting her to be quiet. She nods her head, tears spilling from her eyes in happiness. I slowly move closer to the bed, and when I'm with in jumping distance I pounce on my prey. Yoshika squeals from the sudden hug.

Ashley - ' I didn't know fuso employed blanket blobs to fight? '

Yoshika - ' Stop Ashley, I don't want to see anyone, its my fault ashley is de.... ASHLEY! '

Yoshika jumps out from the blankets and looks at me in shock.  She quickly jumps into my arms and starts crying. 
I rub her back gently till she calms down.

Yoshika - ' But how, the doctor..'

I cut her off by putting my finger on her mouth. I give her a smile.

Ashley - ' Why, were you so adamant that the Neuroi was friendly? '

Yoshika - ' Because they didn't shoot at me and it turned into a witch. '

Ashley - ' If you're sure it's friendly do you know what it wants? '

Yoshika - ' No, but I have a feeling it wants to show me something '

Ashley - ' Maybe it does. You're a good girl Yoshika, just listen to your gut, do what you think is right. Because when the time comes for you to face the results of your actions, it better to face them on your terms on how you want to live. Some people follow everything like a script, like everything was already written down. Even if, Even if it hurts the people the love most. '

Near the end of cheering Yoshika up, my words started to hitch up and it got harder to speak. I pat her head and give her another smile. I also give Lynne a pat on the head before I head out.

I head back over to the infirmary to get the final bill of good health. The doctor goes over everything. A few minutes I get a clean bill. As I leave the room the alarm goes off. It seems Yoshika went and trusted her gut. I make my way over to the briefing room and oh my, i haven't even entered the room I can tell Minna is Lived. I open the door and see everyone silent on very tense. I walk over to Minna and kiss her cheek. The room is suddenly free from the oppressive aura. Minna's dace starts to glow, and so does mine.

Ashley - ' let's calm down, you can't give order with a hot head. '

Minna nods to my statement. She goes off and tell everyone that they will capture Yoshika, but the phone goes off before they leave. Minna's face goes grimm. After that she sorties with her group.

I make my way to the front of the base waiting for a certain someone to come. It doesn't take long, only roughly an hour later several trucks pull up to the base. All the trucks enter without paying me any mind but a staff car, stops beside me the door opens. I wait a moment before entering the car. As I sit down I close the door, I take a seat beside the sole occupant on the back seat. I'm sorry everyone, that I have to put you through this.

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