Its been said

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What a lovely day. The rising sun, a calm breeze and a hot coffee in hand. That would be the perfect morning, but why am I running with these girls? I keep a normal pace, but I'm still lapped by Hikari twice and the other two once. I never signed up for running, after this lap I'm stopping. Nearing the end of my lap I see Rossmann standing there as I slow down she glares at me to continue. I didn't even do anything, it was all their fault. They broke a unit when training, turned landing into a competition to see who lands first, and Im doing this because I watched it happen. Abuse of authority, I demand justice.

Ashley - ' Rossmann, why I'm I still running? I didn't do anything. '

Rossmann - ' Less talk more running, you're becoming lazy. '

Ashley - ' Are you mad at me because I moved your caviar? I swear I never used any of them. They are all fine. '

Rossmann - ' I'm not climbing on the counter to reach MY caviar. '

Ashley - ' This is all because you're vertically challenged? '

Rossmann - ' I want to to sprint the rest of your laps. '

Her voice leaked so much hostility it actually scared me. My hands are still shaking so are my knees, wait I think thats just my knees giving out for the running. Oh Hikari.

Ashley - ' Hey Hikari. '

Hikari - ' Hello, Ashley. Goodbye Ashley. '

And shes gone. That was her third lap around me. Am I that out of shape? Not like I actually need to run anywhere. I can't wait for the striker unit I'm going to get. Some strings were pulled and I got my hands on a Karlsland experimental unit, an HS 129. It comes with a 50mm cannon, as compared to the plane very with a 75mm. The unit it self is not strong enough to carry the weight of the 75, but a 50mm is light enough that the unit is able to fly. I should probably remove some safety limiters and modify the cannon. Im thinking a 6 round drum auto loader, with Heat rounds. I also need to get a machine gun as I wouldn't have to much ammo for it. I might be able to get 2 drums plus one in the gun. I really hope Pokryshkin won't nag me of I rip apart my unit and put it back together. I wonder how far Ursula is with the jet striker.

The morning torture has finally ended. I drag my jelly leg over to the kitchen to get a cup or two of coffee. I make myself a nice cup. I bring my cup to a nearby window, standing and looking out the window, I slowly sip my coffee.

After my umm... lost count on how many coffees I had this morning. I see Hikari looking a little down.

Ashley - ' Hikari, is everything alright?'

Hikari - ' Do you think Georgette hates me? '

I pretty sure that it would take alot for Georgette to hate you, and who could hate such a cute puppy.

Ashley - ' Hmmm, I don't think she hates you at all, more scared or disappointed in herself. Shes actually a really nice girl, if you talk to her and ask why she's doing what shes doing you might find out why she acting like this. '

Hikari - ' You really think so? If I just talk to her? '

Ashley - ' Yeah, go for it. '

She runs off with a smile on her face. The base intercom goes off. Rossmann is calling all witches to the briefing room. I'm not an active combatant do I really need to go? The intercom goes off again.

Rossmann - " Yes that means you as well O'Neil. "

Damn it. Welp lets get this over with. I reach the briefing room far later then everyone else it seems. Rossmann is giving me another glare. I brake any eye contact I have with her.

Rossmann - ' Well since we are all here, I'll start the briefing. The neuroi have stoped their advance at lake Ladoga, but in the upcoming days the lake will freeze. We fear the Neuroi will use this opportunity to push south. Towards us. '

Krupinski - ' The lake freezes in early December, right? '

Pokryshkin - ' We only have less then a month then. '

Rossmann - ' We have to wait for supplies and manpower to help create a new defense line near the path the Neuroi will assault. Who is on recon patrol for the day? '

Both Georgette and Shimohara raise their hands, I then see Rossmann flick her eyes looking at Hikari then to me.

Rossmann- ' Hikari, you will join them. It's a good time for you to get long distance flight experience. Ashley you will join them to, as for a stiker, Commander Rall has given permission for you to use hers for the flight. '

I slam my hands down on the table and stand up. Wait, wait, wait, hold just a minute. I thought im a non-combatant.

Ashley - ' I thought I was under strict order that I was not to fly? What brought this change? '

Rossmann - ' Commander Rall wants to see how you fly. The chances are combat are extremely low. '

I should hide her caviar so Krupinski doesn't use it to make posion. Ill make a cold meal then before I head out. Or a slow cook that all they have is take it out and eat. *sigh*

Ashley - ' Alright, Ill prep a dinner for everyone before we leave. '

Rossmann - ' You will be back before that, there is no need. '

Ashley - ' You have read books right the rule of stating the improbable, now we are going to get into combat and you will be stuck without anyone who can cook.'

Rossmann - ' You're being paranoid, everything will be fine, you won't see a swarm or Neuroi nor even just one. '

With each point she made I felt another nail in my coffin get hammered. Hahaha, Im so dead. Minna looks like I won't be coming home. The rest of the briefing whent by as a blur, when I regained my sense of self, I'm already flying in the air.

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