The magic touch

511 14 7

At the doors to the briefing room, I take a deep breath. And push them in letting them slam open. Everyone looks at me startled.

Ashley - ' I was just about to fall sleep then the alarm goes off. Whats the situation? '

Rall - ' As we were saying, a military warehouse got hit by a Neuroi attack. No Neuroi were spoted in the area. The attack was too pin point for a normal Neuroi. We are dealling with a new type. That about sums it up. '

Ashley - ' Am I on stand by or can I go back to sleep? '

Rall - ' You will be on stand by, I will be joining the others in the sortie. '

This statement surprises almost everyone, as Rall almost never flies do to her injury. Rall is starring right at me. She already heard about her unit being all modified.

Ashley - ' Your unit is all good to go, do take it easy as you will feel more power behind it. '

She nods her head, I turn to leave and go to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. This is going to be a long day.

I come out of the kitchen to the dinning room to see the contrails of everyone flying into the city. Well, now would be the best time to do some building. That will help keep me distracted so I don't fall asleep.

With coffee in hand I slowly make my way to the hanger, before I can make it far a maintenance crewmember stops me.

Maintenance Guy - ' Flying Officer O'Neil, there is a delivery for you we just finished moving it to the hanger. '

Ashley - ' Is it my new unit? '

Maintenance Guy - ' It would appear so ma'am. '

Ashley - ' Alright carry on with your duties then, I was on my way to the hanger anyways. '

I watch the soldier scurry off down the halls. Am I that scary? I'm only slightly shorter then Sanya and shes cute, so I should be cute too. Whatever, I shouldn't care about that anyways only what my friends care about. I nod to my internal resolution.  Continuing my way to the hanger the looks of all the soldiers are all the same slight fear and I think one of them pissed themselves.

I finally reach the hanger, I down the last of my coffee and enter. I see the maintenance crew setting up my new unit on its dock. It looks beautiful. I notice the crew look at me and they quickly talk among themselves and one of them is soon push out from the group. A young boy slowly approaches me shaking more with each step closer to me. He stand right in front of me,  and hold out two letters. I grab both of them and he them runs off out of the hanger followed  by the other maintenance crewmembers. What the hell is going on? I look down to the letters both are addressed to me but have different senders. One is from Ursula Hartmann and the other Minna! I quickly open that letter and read it.

   " Dear, Ashley I hope this letter reaches you.

I hope your not giving Rall to much of a hard time, she my look stoic at all times but she can be quite emotional at time to, mostly in private though. So don't hold that against her. Are taking care of yourself properly? Eatting? Remember to get enough sleep, no staying in the hanger for days on end.

Im helping out where I'm needed, Barkhorn and Hartman are with me. I get some letters from the others. They seem to be doing fine. I heard to sent my a letter to the base I was stationed on. I moved bases before it could be delivered so I'm still waiting for it. Both Beurling and Anabuki want to see you again, they ssid they were going to visit the 507th since it was near your base. I really hope the 501st will come together again. For our family to be together.

     Love, Minna Dietlinde Wilcke. "

Some water falls and lands on the letter the sound of the water splattering on the paper draws my attention and I feel a wet streak down my cheeks. Hahaha, I'm crying, Minna, everyone I miss you. I hold  the letter tightly to my chest. If things are changing, I have to get stronger.

I open the next letter from Ursula. It goes on about the experimental unit and that she wants data on how it works and a second opinion or detailed information on any modifications I do on it. I can do that easy. Lets get started on looking over the unit.

I get distracted from my work from hearing some yelling in the hanger, looking over I see Pokryshkin yelling at Nippa. I put down my wrench and follow Nippa out of the hanger. I stop her in the hall.

Ashley - ' Hey, Nippa. You okay? '

Nippa - ' huh? Oh Ashley. Yeah, I'm. I'm good. I have something I need to go do. Uhhh, see ya! '

I'm left standing there as Nippa runs off. What was that all about? I go back into the hanger and see Pokryshkin scrubbing her unit. I walk over and peek over her shoulder.  A ladybug, huh.

Ashley - ' You know, you should have let her explain herself. '

Pokryshkin jumps up startled she panics looking around for a way to run. I'm getting tired of everyone running. I slam my hand beside her head and pull myself closer to her. Her face starts to glow red.

Ashley - ' So want to explain why everyone is avoiding me? '

Pokryshkin - ' Ahhhh, ummm. Its what you d-did to the Commander's unit. '

Ashley - ' I didn't do any to special to the unit. What happend? '

Pokryshkin - ' Well, ummm. When Rall put the unit on she. Ummm, she ******** '

She mumbled the last word, I'm to tired to deal with this right now.

Ashley - ' You want to say it louder I couldn't hear you. '

Her face is so red I swear that she actually glowing. She takes a deep breath in and closes her eyes.

Pokryshkin - ' She Orgasmed! In front of everyone. '

My brain just pauses. What did she just say? What? How? Wait, I remember adding the function to turn pain into pleasure. I set it to a normal rate. How much pain was she in when she got into the unit! Finally coming to only to catch a glimpse of Pokryshkin running away sniffing. Did I become what I fear most? That Dammed Tanuki!

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