Wolfish Pranks once again

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Hikari and I walk back into the hanger and everyone has already dispersed, except Rall. She was waiting for us to see of everything is alright.

Ashley - ' Karibuchi, said she got orders from another High ranking official? '

Rall - ' Yes, how do you know that? '

Ashley - ' It doesn't matter, well since Galland gave a writen order, before and that she handles the most of the placements for witches. Her orders take priority for large operations and the joint wings. I'm going to have a little fun before I leave so please play along. '

Rall sighs, then she looks at me then to an excited Hikari. Then she lools me in my eyes.

Rall - ' Please don't over do it. '

Rall then turns and leaves. I turn to Hikari, and slowly walk backwards out of the hanger.

Ashley - ' So Hikari,  heres the plan. Think you can fake being sad? '

Hikari nods her head. I give her an evil smile.

Ashley - ' Good, good. Just play along with what I say. Okay? '

Hikari - ' A-alright, ill do my best! '

I turn back around and head to the dinning room where everyone else is.

We enter the dinning room to see everyone look at us. Good, plan start. I move over to Hikari and put my arm around her. She tilts her down down look down cast. I send a glare to Takami then look back to Hikari with concern.  I sit her down and take a seat beside her.  We are served are food. We eat, but Hikari slowly picks at her food. She's actually a pretty good actress.

Nippa - ' Hikari, you get to fly with your sister, aren't you happy? '

There we go, all according to plan. Nippa forgot that Hikari got reassigned to a "different wing" Ill reward her later for helping, even if unknowingly. I give her a glare and rub Hikari's back she start to fake sobs. Give her a quick nudge with my foot to tell her to get up amd run out of the room. She quickly understood and follows my order.

Hikari - ' I think I'm done eatting. '

She gets up quickly and runs out. Arm covering her face. Welp my turn. I slam my hands on the table and them stand up. I send Nippa a glare once again. Then run after Hikari. I catch up to Hikari easily as she just stood outsode of her room. I motion her to go in. We both enter her room.

Ashley - ' You did really well. We are going to have to apologize to Nippa later though. I was pretty rough woth my glares. The next bit of the plan starts tomorrow morning. So get some rest, wake up your normal time go for your morning run but pish yourself a bit. Then do the pillar climb again. '

Hikari nods her head and starts to change into her pajamas. I pause for a second. Thank you for the show  bit your definitely not my type. She has alot going in her head right now. She finishes up and lays in bed. I tuck her in.

Ashley - ' Don't worry about anything your sister says, your an excellent witch. Your learning very fast, your doing a good job. '

I gently rub her her head as I sit on the edge of her bed. She actually begins to cry for real, not tears of saddness, but joy. I hear the door open and see Takami peak in. I give her a glare and she reluctantly leave and shuts the door. I continue to stay but Hikari's side till she falls asleep.

Once Hikari fell asleep I get up and leave the room to see Takami standing there. I shut the door and stand there not looking at her.

Ashley - ' She just fell alseep, let her rest. Going through emotional highs and lows like that can drain you. I know personally how that is like. Why do you want her to leave? She doing great here, she get along with everyone, she learns quickly. She...

Takami - ' This isn't about how good she is as a witch! I- i just want her to be safe. Is that to much for an older sister to ask? '

Ashley - ' Do you know how many of my wingmates want me to retire to the back lines? '

Takami looks at me uncertain to where I'm going with this. I lift my shirt to show her the scar on me. Her eyes open wide.

Ashley - ' I almost died, well I did die. My heart stopped beating. I got distracted, this what happend. But even then, they didn't force me to leave the front lines.  They support me, as much as they don't want to, they support me because we are family. Ripping what they care about away from our family even if its to protect them. It's not right. Then again, I'm not you. I can't tell you how you should see family. I should get going. Let Hikari sleep, she's tired. '

I turn to walk to my room, I hear Takami open her mouth, so I stop to wait what she has to say but nothing comes out.

Ashley - ' That's what I thought '

I mumble loud enough for her to hear. I continue to walk to my room to go to sleep. Acting all day is tiring.  I open the door to my room to see Rall sittimg on thre edge of my bed.

Ashley - ' Already got complaints? '

Rall - ' Yes, and several headaches. Why did you have to do this again,  refresh my memory. '

Ashley - ' Hikari is already a member of the 502nd, already apart of the family. Her sister came in and is trying to tear the family apart. I'm just pushing back. '

I start to unbutton my shirt. I stop before undoing the last one and look at Rall.

Ashley - ' Is there something else you wanted to say? If not I'm going to sleep. '

Rall shakes her head and stands up from sitting in my bed. She then leaves my room. I finish getting comfortable to go to sleep. No I know why, if me and Eila are together,  we have to have someone responsible with us. We are diabolical alone, imagine what we would get up too. Such a good thought to go to sleep with, me and Eila.

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