Too Stubborn to be Left Behind

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Wanda is still sound asleep next to me when I roll over in the morning. I don't want to wake her but she also asked if I would be here when she woke up and I said yes. "Babe," I place my hand on her arm.

Wanda's voice comes out super groggy. "Hmm, you okay?" I push some hair out of her face as she squints open her eyes at me. "Yes, I just want to go workout. Are you feeling okay?" Wanda nods her head. "The lights are just still a little bright and my head hurts."

She reaches over and grabs ahold of my hand. "Did you sleep?" I lean forward and kiss her head before climbing out of bed. "I did." She turns her head to the side to watch me get ready. I grab some jogger sweats and a t-shirt to change into. I slide my headphones into my pocket.

"Give me a second and I'll come with you." Wanda reaches over to her side table and sees the Advil and water. "Babe, you don't need to. I can work out by myself and you are still recovering from last night." Wanda washes the pills down with the water then moves to the end of the bed, still squinting.

"Have any sunglasses?" I roll my eyes and let out a small laugh. She is so stubborn when she wants to be. "Yeah, one second." I dig around in my closet and pull out an old pair of mine. Wanda slides them on as she stands up. She looks down at her legs to see she doesn't have any pants on, only my hoodie.

"Um, can I-?" I pick up a pair of running shorts and hand them to her next already knowing she was going to ask. I wrap my arms around her waist pulling her against me after she puts them on. She tilts her head back to look at me but the shades prevent me from seeing her eyes. "You really don't need to come, Wanda."

She lifts her hands to my neck and gently rubs along my jawline. "I want to come and keep you company." Wanda pulls my face forward towards her and pecks me on the lips. "Plus, I like seeing you in workout clothes."

She has a huge smile on her face as she looks up at me. "I am glad I can give you a good show." I think back to last night and the events that lead to us going to bed.

"Do you remember last night very much?" Wanda cocks her head at me and looks confused. "Um, I remember us playing beer pong and we won, right?" I nod my head. "Anything else?"

She shakes her head no. "I thought we were going to go to your room after that." I look down and gently squeeze Wanda's sides eliciting a small squeal as I pull away. "What was that for? What happened?"

She walks with me towards my bedroom door. "You picked a fight with Thor last night because he was getting too close to me for your liking." Wanda lifts her hands to her forehead and scrunches her nose. "I did not."

I raise my eyebrows as I turn around to look at her. "Really? Why don't we go ask Nat what happened then? She'll back me up." Wanda grabs ahold of my arm to stop me as I open the door. "No, no. I believe you. I just don't remember."

Wanda interlocks her hand with mine as we leave my room and start heading towards the training area. I turn to look at her next to me. Even just waking up she is beautiful. Wanda turns to see me staring and her cheeks turn red.

I can see a thought cross her mind because she opens her mouth then shuts it just as fast. "What is it? You just thought something." Wanda looks down at our hands momentarily before returning her gaze to me. "Did we um, do anything last night?" Her voice is quiet as we walk.

"No, I told you no then you fell asleep before you could truly fight me on it." Wanda tugs on my hand causing our shoulders to bump together. "Did you not want to or?" I stop walking dead in the hallway right outside the gym surprising Wanda.

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