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"I'm sorry, I must not have heard you correctly. You want to put that, in me?" Stark is holding the biggest needle I have ever seen up in the air. Wanda pats my arm before taking a step back from me. "Yep, don't worry. He numbs it."

I start taking a couple steps back until I run into the table behind me. "Y/N, you need to do this. Now, turn around." Stark flicks the needle a couple times and pulls out what looks like a wet nap. I turn to look at Wanda next to me. "I really don't do needles. Can we find another way? Please," I step towards Wanda who blocks my exit.

"I already did it. We can go do anything you want after this. Promise." I raise my eyebrows at her. "Anything? No, no. Not worth it. I don't-," Wanda raises up her hand to my head and I see her eyes flash red. "Sorry."

Memories of Wanda and I flood my head and begin to play out around me. The first time meeting her. Waking up next to her. Cleaning the kitchen after she made dinner. Kissing in the rain. Hearing her say I love you.

The memories begin to fade out around me as my legs turn to jelly under me. "I got you." Wanda helps lower me to the floor. Damn, my neck hurts. I lift my hand to the back of my neck and rub at it a couple times. "You okay?" Wanda squats down in front of me. She has my eyes track her finger.

"Yeah, did he do it?" She nods her head. I look over to see Stark cleaning the needle and putting it away. "Thank you." She offers me her hand to get off the floor. "Always, baby." She leans forward and kisses my cheek.

"Wanda, can you and Y/N do a lap again? Inside or outside, I just need to synch yours together and make sure they are matching." Wanda looks out the windows over my shoulder then begins to pull me out of the lab without another word, a goofy grin covering her face.

Wanda POV-

"Where are we going? It's raining, babe. You're only in a t-shirt. You're going to get cold." Y/N lets go of my hand to pull off her hoodie and slip it over my head. I keep walking away from the building, towards the small field that Y/N asked me to be her girlfriend in. "Wanda!" Y/N jogs over to me to catch up.

"Why are we out here?" I stop at the same spot and look up at the sky. Just like before, the sky lets loose and opens up. The rain begins to come down harder. This rain is colder than before but I don't care.

Y/N moves in front of me and lightly grabs my forearms. "Babe, why are we out here? I don't want you to get sick." She brings one of her hands up and pushes my wet hair out of my face. "I just wanted to give you another good memory before we go into Hydra."

I wrap my arms around her neck and step into her embrace. I turn my face towards her ear so she can hear me as lightning cracks across the sky followed by thunder. "Hold onto this moment, okay? No matter what happens." I hear Stark's voice in my ear telling me that he is done but I ignore it.

Y/N keeps me held tightly against her. "I will. I love you, Wanda." Lightning crackles above us causing me to jump slightly up even more into Y/N's arms with a squeal. "I love you too. Now, let's go inside before we get struck." Y/N's smile fills her entire face as she takes my hand and runs back inside with me.


We run to the training room and go inside. We both are dripping wet. Her laugh is contagious as she wrings out her shirt then looks up at me. "Repeat of last time? You did say we could do whatever I wanted because I got the shot."

Wanda takes my hand with a giggle and walks to the middle of the floor leaving a trail of water drops behind her. "Not yet. You have an ability to figure out."

She takes both of my hands in hers and flips them palms up keeping hers resting under mine. "It's my turn to help. I think you were approaching it wrong this morning. You will need to be able to activate it without the extra adrenaline rush boost. It's all about finding and accessing it. Match me."

She takes in a deep breath of air and slowly lets it out. "Find where it feels strongest in you. Focus on it, on letting it show, but stay calm." Wanda drops her hands out from under mine and walks around to behind me. "Feel it grow. Accept it. Fighting it will only make it harder."

I think about how I heal, the feeling of the magic flowing to my hands. "Y/N, open your eyes." I open them and look down to see them faintly glowing white. "You're missing the black whisps. Push for it. It wants to come out." I look down at my hands clenching my teeth willing it to show.

Lightning strikes across the sky followed quickly by thunder causing the power to flicker shortly. As the lights flick back on, a small black whisp begins to float around my fingers, like Wanda's magic does.

"Look at you, baby, amazing." Wanda moves in front of me and moves her hands forward. I quickly snuff the white light and whisps away. "Wait, don't touch it. What if it-," Wanda lightly touches my hands. "Watch, do it again. This, you have control over it. Don't let it harm."

I close my eyes focusing on the magic flowing to my hands again. I get the white light to begin glowing easier this time but I struggle with the black whisps again. "You can do it."

Wanda looks so proud. She hovers her hands palms down about six inches above mine. "Let it out," I take in a deep breath of air and let it out slowly. The black whisps begin to flirt across my hands. "There you go." She slowly lowers her hands until they are touching mine.

The black whisps begin to dance across both of our hands. It grows in intensity turning into multiple whisps that intertwine. "Now Y/N, stay focused. Let them hurt me, then pull it back. Reign them in. You are the one in control, not them."

I can feel my connection with my magic becoming more stable the longer I hold it. "Wanda," She tears her eyes away from our hands to look at me. "You have to learn. It's okay. Do it. Focus on releasing it. Let the wall down."

I shut my eyes imagining a brick wall crumbling down. It starts out small. Wanda's hands twitch slightly before she makes them into fists, still holding them over my palms. Her teeth are clenched tight as she pushes out words, "Pull it in, build it back up."

I watch as her shoulders begin to tense up. She wants to pull back but she isn't. I do the same as before. I build the wall back up in my mind as fast as possible. I open my eyes to see the black whisps are back to dancing again.

Wanda POV-

She did it. Y/N's jaw drops open slightly as she steps back. Her hands stop glowing. "I did it." I nod my head dropping my own hands back down. "Did it mark?" She steps forward to see. No mark, this time. She didn't allow it to do that much damage, only sting.

She flips my hands over in hers and looks up and down my arms before returning her attention up to my face. "How did you? It worked, what you said. You knew," she is shocked. There is a puddle of water surrounding us from standing here so long with wet clothes. "You forget, my ability runs throughout my body very similarly to you, they just do different things."

Y/N throws her arms around my back lifting me off the ground spinning me. "You are something else, Ms. Maximoff." She sets me down but keeps me close to her. "Don't call me miss. Makes me sound old." Y/N smiles into our kiss. "What if I turned you into Mrs. Wanda Maximoff one day?"

I lift my hand up between us to show her my empty ring finger. "No ring, no calling me miss." Y/N gets a devilish smirk on her face. "You're going to regret saying that one day." She grabs my hand between us then we start walking towards the main part of the house. "I don't have regrets when it comes to you."

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