A Mess of Laughter and Kisses

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Wanda POV-

"A road trip?" Nat looks confused. "Well, we need to stay under the radar. We can do some recon on his house and him for a couple days before contacting him. We'll have to take one of Stark's cars that isn't linked to me and we probably need some disguises."

Y/N looks excited with all this talk of a road trip. I reach forward and catch her hand in mine giving it a squeeze. "You've watched too many spy movies, I think." Y/N rolls her eyes at me but she is still smiling hard. "Why can't we just take the Quinjet since it would be faster? Who should come?"

I close the folder in my lap and stand up next to Y/N still holding her hand. She turns to look at me for my input, "We can't hide in plain sight with the Quinjet and probably the three of us and Steve. Thor, Stark, and Banner can hold down the fort while we are gone a couple days, and Peter has school."

The Advil and sunglasses are helping my headache and light sensitivity so much. I will agree I drank too much last night especially since I don't ever have that much. Plus, I started a fight with Thor. There isn't a throbbing in my head anymore as I stand.

"When are we leaving then?" Y/N looks down at her watch before answering. "I need an hour to shower and get packed. Actually, make that an hour and fifteen so I can talk to Stark. Meet at the garage then. Make sure you tell Steve."

Speak of the devil. The door behind us clicks open as a voice echoes, "Tell Steve what?"


I help Wanda drag the chair back into the supply closet as Nat and Steve head towards their rooms to pack. "Feeling better, babe?" Wanda nods her head. "A lot, thank you for taking care of me."

I pull her into me and kiss her forehead softly. "Of course. You'd do the same for me." We walk back over so I can grab my water and towel off the bench. "Time to tell Stark the plan." I hope he meant what he said about following whatever I want to do.

We find him sipping his coffee with Pepper in the living room. "Did Natasha find you?" Wanda steps into the kitchen to pour herself some coffee. "Yes, we came up with a plan." Stark raises his eyebrows waiting, "Am I going to like this plan?"

Wanda laughs quietly to herself in the kitchen which in turn leaves Stark glaring at me. "What is the plan and why is Maximoff laughing about it?" I sit down on the couch next to them leaning forward arms resting on my legs. I fold my hands together. "Here's the plan."

Pepper places her hand on Stark's leg after I finish talking. "I think you can swing that for her, right Tony?" Bless her. Stark looks over at her before returning his attention to me.

"How long is the drive?" I pull up my phone to show the route. "I'll send you a hotel reservation by the time you get there. I want hourly updates and," He stands up and holds his hand up. "One second."

Stark leaves the room and comes back with a phone in hand. "Use this when you are ready to call him. It will automatically record the call, track his location, and it is filtered through every secure channel I know so you can't be tracked with it. It is a new prototype so don't break it."

I stand up and take the phone from him slipping it into my pocket. "Thank you, Stark." I don't want to be mad at him. He was defensive initially with the information he received about me but he has tried to rectify his actions. Our relationship is weird to say the least right now though.

"Be careful, and just don't take my Audi R8 otherwise I don't care." Wanda finishes her couple sips of coffee before walking back over to me. Just enough caffeine for her to get moving. "We'll probably just take the convertible. I've had my eye on it, and it has four seats."

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