Breaking Point

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Everyone is waiting for Wanda and me in the hallway outside our rooms at eight sharp. They are all dressed very similarly with the Hydra logo on the sleeve or pant leg of each of their articles of clothes.

"Ready?" They collectively speak, "Yes ma'am." Wanda attempts to hide her smile next to me. She knows that I don't like being called ma'am but the recruits are so used to it. I don't want to force them to change it just for me.

We all grab a light breakfast before walking into the gym. Specialist Grace is already there with Drew. There are no extra agents today. "Good morning, recruits." They all line up and fold their hands behind their backs.

The formality of their manners is impressive but also sad. They remind me of Nat. Their childhoods were probably stripped away to create future agents for Hydra. Nat hasn't told me much about the red room but I know she is still traumatized by it. It has been only in the last couple of years that she has learned to drop her walls and to trust us.

"Our plan for today is to have you pair off and spar. I just need to get a baseline understanding of everyone's abilities. We are going to spend today creating your physical and mental baseline that we can compare to your results after you are gifted your abilities."

At least the recruits somewhat have a choice in the matter. Wanda and I did not, not the same anyway. "Start stretching then we will pair you off. Don't hold back today."

As the recruits space out, Wanda and I walk over and stretch with them making small talk. Drew keeps to himself on the outside of our stretching circle. Kali strikes up a conversation with me, her voice low. "So, you guys are dating?" She motions her head towards Wanda. I nod. A smile breaks out on Kali's face. "It's cute. I ship it."

I know Wanda can hear us. I glance over my shoulder and see a small smile forming on her face. I turn back to Kali as we switch which arm we are stretching, "Thanks. I'm pretty lucky."

Nico scooches over closer to us next. "Do you know when we are actually getting our powers? Just like a timeline?" I shake my head. "Unfortunately, no but I can see. I will let you know as soon as I find out." He looks a little disappointed but shakes it off.

Kali shoots another question my way, "How hard was it to figure out your abilities?" I can see Claire listening in to our conversation now. I motion her over to include her.

"Well, to be honest, I learn new things about my abilities it seems like every day. I didn't have the help of Hydra to figure out my abilities so it took longer. It will go a lot faster for you guys." They seem happy with my answer as Specialist Grace calls out from above us, "Okay, let's get started."

Wanda, Drew, and I each oversee one pair of recruits as they spar. We have them rotate partners every couple of minutes until they have sparred with everyone. Specialist Grace continues to type away on her phone from her lofted view taking notes on everyone.

"Okay, excellent. I want to run one more drill before we call it quits. This is all about teamwork. Each pair is going to spar your Specialist." All of the recruits glance over to me before returning their attention to Specialist Grace. "Mason and Nico, you will spar Drew. Claire and Kali, you are with Wanda. Elliot and Harlee, with Y/N."

We all space out on the padded floor to give each group enough space. Elliot's breathing is shakier than it was earlier, and Harlee's stance is tense unlike before. "Hey, don't think of this exercise any differently. We don't use our abilities in trainings. You guys got this. Use each other."

I lean forward and knuckle bump each of them before stepping into my stance. They seem to relax slightly. I nod my head motioning for them to start. Harlee makes the first move attempting to quickly get in a punch but I lean back and to the side easily avoiding it.

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