Sokovian Girlfriend

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For the first time in days, I slept with Wanda comfortably laying in my arms with no fear of harming her. I can control it. I don't have to hurt her.

I roll over in the morning as the sun begins to lift into the sky. Wanda is still asleep in my arms, no signs of her being close to waking up.

I lift my right hand up in front of me to look at it. Just breathe. Need to stay calm and in control. I close my eyes and can feel the magic move through my arms and down to my hands. It begins to slowly glow in front of me, just white.

I carefully lift my left hand off of Wanda's back to see if it is glowing and it is. I wonder if I have to do both hands or if I can concentrate it to only one hand. I've never noticed if both hands glow when I heal someone. I hold my left hand still and try to shut off its' supply but can't. "It took me a while to be able to do only one hand."

I look down and see Wanda watching me. Her voice comes out hoarse and slightly deeper from just waking up. "Hey, I'm sorry. Did I wake you?" I close my hands and they stop glowing, the wall goes back up. "No, no. You're fine." I drop my chin down and kiss her forehead. She shuts her eyes leaning into it.

"Did you actually sleep?" I nod my head. "Yep, promise." She nuzzles her head into my chest and moves her hand to my side. "I can tell. You're nicer." She tries to hide her smirk in my shirt as I roll my eyes. "Yeah, yeah. I know."

The water outside my windows is barely moving. It's calm today after the storm from last night. "We can work on it again later if you want." I nod my head. "I'd love that."

We both stay in bed enjoying the comfort of each other's arms for most of the morning until our stomachs alert us to our hunger. I can smell someone making food. "We can do this more later, let's go get some food. I don't want to deal with hangry Wanda later."

She jokingly pushes me off her then sits up on the bed watching me change into a pair of jeans. "You think we can get a room to ourselves at Hydra?" I shrug my shoulders. "Hopefully." I walk back over to Wanda taking her hand in mine. I squeeze her hand lightly then lock eyes with her waiting to see if she catches on.

Her eyes begin to change to red. I talk in my head so she can hear me, "I figure we will have a lot of conversations like this." She nods her head then continues the conversation mentally, "Never know who is listening. I don't mind doing this." The red in her eyes begins to fade out as there is a knock at my door.

"Come in," Nat comes walking into the room dressed in workout clothes. She probably trained with Steve this morning. "Hey, we made breakfast if you guys are hungry." Wanda nods her head. "We'll be right out. Thank you."

Wanda POV-

Everyone in the house is in the kitchen when we walk in. Stark and Peter are debating specs of his suit while Nat and Steve make plates. Banner is still gone on his solo mission, and Thor returned back to his realm. Stark took Hayde to one of his off the books safe houses for now until we can guarantee he isn't in danger.

This is going to be hard to leave. Y/N's grip readjusts in my hand and I know she is thinking the same thing as me. I turn my head to look at her and can see a small fleck in her eye forming from a tear until she wipes it away. This is our family.

Nat hands each of us a plate with a smile then follows us to the table. It is a usual mealtime filled with banter and jokes. We finish eating but none of us make any motion to leave. "Y/N, when are you going to call Drew?" Stark folds his hands across his lap as he sits back in his chair.

"I figured I would after this. Negotiate Wanda coming with me and a pickup location for tomorrow." Peter asks the question none of the rest of us do. Stark must have filled him in on some of the details. "What if they say no to Wanda going with you?"

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