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Wanda POV-

The next three days are spent watching Hayde's house and monitoring his behavior. He keeps a pretty strict and easy to follow schedule. Early in the morning, he drinks his coffee and reads the paper. He always goes to the same café for lunch and eats at the same table. His nights include watching the news at five and a show at six. He makes a small dinner then goes to his room.

Light begins to flood the room as I force my eyes open. I trail my hand across the bed next to me but find it empty. "Y/N?" Please not again. I pick up my phone to find a text from her this time. "Hey babe, Steve and I were both up so we headed over to Hayde's house to start keeping tabs on him. I hope you slept well. Let me know when you're up."

I pull up the keyboard on my phone and type back a quick message. "I'm up, how's it going?" I set my phone next to me and lay back down. I hear some shuffling around in Nat and Steve's room followed by the click of the door opening between the rooms.

The door pushes out slowly until Nat's head pops through the doorway. "Oh hey, you're up." She walks the rest of the way into the room as my phone buzzes on the bed. A text from Y/N, "He is just drinking coffee and reading the paper right now just like he has the past couple of days. Wish you were here. Steve is currently singing along to songs from the thirties. Please send help."

I let out a slight huff of air and a chuckle after reading her text. Nat sits on the edge of the bed looking confused. "Who is that?" I hand her my phone to show her Y/N's text message. "Now, that's funny. He tried explaining to me how thirties music is the best the other day in the car. Better her than me."

We have all spent quite a bit of time together these past couple of days. We have rotated in monitoring the house in pairs of two for a couple hours at a time each. "We still planning on going to the café today to intercept Hayde?" I nod my head. "I haven't heard a change of plan. Y/N is still set on doing it today."

I push myself out of the bed and walk over to the bathroom to pee and brush my teeth. I hear Nat call out to me from the bedroom. "What time does she want us in position?" I turn off the sink faucet and dry my hands on a towel. "He goes to lunch at twelve thirty so start getting in position by twelve."

I walk back into the room to find Nat looking at Y/N's hoodie that I've been wearing. "You ever going to give this back?" She sets it back down on the bed next to her. "Only for her to wear it so it smells like her again. I like that one."

Nat looks down at the hoodie with a smile on her face before looking back up at me. "Should we start getting ready?" She stands up off the bed and walks back towards her room. "Yeah, probably. Since you take forever to get ready." Nat turns back around with her jaw dropped. "Excuse me? You take so much longer than me."

Neither one of us moves from our positions, neither backing down. Nat's entire body tenses as she spins back around and runs through the doorway, "Race you!"


When Hayde walks into his bathroom about an hour before he normally leaves, Steve and I head back towards the hotel to get the girls. "How much you want to bet they aren't ready when we get up there?" I dig around in my pocket and pull out a twenty from my pocket to show him.

Steve hits the fourth floor elevator button then shakes his head slightly. "I bet they are. They have had all morning." I shrug my shoulders before offering my hand out. "Bet?" He takes my hand as the doors open. "Deal."

I pull out my keycard and scan into my room. Nat and Wanda are sitting on our bed watching some show on the tv completely dressed and ready. Steve leans in close to my ear as he enters the room behind me. "Told you." I pull the twenty out of my pocket and slap it into his hand.

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