Don't Call Me That

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Wanda POV-

"Take your shirt off and lay down." I grab a washcloth from the bathroom and run it under the water in the sink before opening up the package of bandages Drew managed to find for us. I come back into the room to see Y/N laying face down on the bed, her head turned to the side to look at me.

"I wish this was going to lead to something else." I kneel down onto the bed laughing at her comment. "Yeah, well, you know what I've said before. You need to have no injuries because the last time we tried something and you had those cuts on your back, you reopened them."

I dab the wet cloth against the outside of the cuts to wipe away some of the dried blood. Her back doesn't look too bad today, no major injuries. "That was one time." I start undoing the wrapping on the butterfly bandages, a smile covers my face thinking back to that memory.

Y/N reaches her hand back after a moment and gently holds onto my leg squeezing it once. "I'm sorry I was so angry earlier." She tries to tilt her head back to see me but she ends up twisting weird and wincing. "Baby, lay back down. We're okay."

I start placing the bandages over the longer marks just to make sure she doesn't split them back open. Y/N stays silent letting me work but I know her head is rolling with thoughts.

I finish cleaning up her back then softly pat her hip to tell her I am done. She sits up and carefully pulls her shirt back onto herself. "Better?" She nods her head but still winces as she leans back against the headboard. "Yeah, just aches from healing Drew's sprain."

I sit down next to her and unscrew the bottle of pain relievers dumping out two for her. She reaches over taking my hand after swallowing them. "I really am though, sorry that is. It wasn't geared towards you. I didn't feel like myself like I knew I was unnecessarily mad but I couldn't calm down."

I can tell it had been eating at her today. This conversation seems normal enough to have out loud even at the risk of someone hearing us.

"Y/N, you feel everything, every single emotion more than the average person. It is why when you get frustrated your anger is magnified. It also could have to do with you draining the other day or a combination of the two. It is something we can watch for."

A single tear begins to slip down her cheek as she lets out a shaky breath. "No, no tears. We'll figure everything out. I promise." She tugs on my hand to pull me closer. I crawl over one of her legs and lay down on her chest placing my hand against the side of her neck.

Y/N wraps her arms around my back holding me against her. Her words come out muffled as she speaks into my hair, "I'm so glad I let you in." A small huff of air pushes out my nose as I lightly laugh. "I think we both needed this. We have each other and that's all that matters."


Wanda dozes off sleeping against me. It is still early in the night but we both are tired. Even sleep doesn't feel relaxing. My body keeps me hyperalert to any noises or when Wanda rolls over at night.

My phone buzzes next to me on the bed causing her to jerk awake for a moment. "Shh, go back to sleep." She drops her head back down onto my chest as I reach over and grab the phone. "Who is it?" She still sounds half asleep but she manages to blink open her eyes and look up at me with a squint.

"Drew, he said to turn on the tv." I grab the remote off the side table and press the power button. There is a new icon along the bottom of the screen for Netflix. I click into it and open the profile already designated Wanda and Y/N. "He did it. He managed to get us Netflix and set up the account."

Wanda looks over her shoulder at the tv briefly before dropping her head back down. She mumbles a quiet yay before shutting her eyes again. I run my hand through her hair a couple of times to lull her back to sleep on my chest.

I text Drew back with a thank you after Wanda settles again then click into one of my old favorite shows to watch. I try to focus on it but my eyes stay mostly on Wanda, a common occurrence these days. Eventually, my eyes begin to fight to stay open so I succumb to sleep as well clicking the tv off and falling asleep holding onto Wanda.

Drew POV-

I leave the tech specialists and begin the walk to Specialist Grace's office. I came here directly after dinner with Y/N and Wanda, but it still took a while to build the secure account for them.

The sun has completely set outside and the campus is silent, the only noise coming from my shoes rhythmically smacking against the sidewalk. I pull out my phone as I get to the building to text Y/N, "Hey, turn on your tv. I pulled some strings." I slip my phone back into my pocket as I enter the main doors waving a hello to the night guard on duty.

My phone buzzes with another text as I make the long walk down to Specialist Grace's office. "Thank you, Drew. Something to curb the boredom, haha. We appreciate it." I stop in front of the door at the end of the hallway and shoot back a final text, "You're welcome. See you both tomorrow! Enjoy."

I knock twice on the door before pushing it in myself. I sit down across from Specialist Grace waiting for her to acknowledge my presence but to no avail. I try to ask a simple question to draw her away from her fixation on her computer.

"Where are we on getting that electronic book thing that I texted you about?" Specialist Grace continues typing away on her computer, her mind somewhere outside this room. "Abby," the pet name finally catches her attention.

"I'll have our computer analyst work on creating a safe e-reader for them, one they can't contact anyone with or we will know. Happy? And don't call me that. We've talked about this." She continues typing away on her computer distracted.

"What are you even doing anyway? I thought you wanted my report of the day." I stand up from my chair and walk around to the other side of her desk slowly. She closes out the screen as I round the desk spinning her chair around to face me.

"Nothing you need to concern yourself with." I push aside a couple papers and sit on the edge of the desk next to her, my leg resting against her knee. She folds her hands in her lap and looks up from where our legs are touching.

"Why have you gone so secretive? You used to talk to me about these things. No one is here but us, Abby. You can trust me." She keeps a blank face giving away nothing in her features.

"I have to worry about you becoming compromised by your other side, Wanda slipping into your mind, or even if your bond with Y/N grows to allow some form of communication. There are too many factors at play and I won't risk it. We have come too far. I can't fail her, Drew. I won't."

Her incessant need to please her Mom. She cuts me off before I can respond already knowing what I would say to her, "Tell me what happened today after you went after Wanda." I roll my eyes knowing she doesn't want to discuss the mission.

"Wanda knew where to look. We found Y/N by this big tree along the border of the barrier. Wanda went over first and I guess talked Y/N down, but they were talking soft enough that I couldn't hear their conversation. Eventually, Wanda waved me over to them. Y/N offered to heal my wrist then we chatted about how we need a team name. Don't worry, I threw on the charm. I think getting them Netflix was a good start. Y/N just texted me a thank you before I came in here."

I pull out my phone to show her the couple of texts. "Perfect, and you gave them the bandages?" I nod my head. "Alright, don't forget what you need to do tomorrow during training and let me know what you come up with for a name. I'm tired of calling the project by its' numeric code."

There is a knock on the door interrupting our moment. Abby lightly pats my leg as my cue to go. She calls out to the unknown person, "One second." I step off her desk and begin to make my way over to her door. I can feel her watching my every move.

I stop with my hand on the doorknob keeping my eyes forward. I can hear the person on the other side of the door tapping their foot impatiently waiting, "You know, I hope you are right about this." I pause waiting to see if she will respond. Her words are quiet and soft spoken preventing the unknown individual outside the door from hearing, "It will be worth it in the end, for both of us."

Pleased with her response, I pull open the door to reveal Abby's assistant. I step back allowing her into the room as I bid goodnight emphasizing her name, "Thank you, Specialist Grace. I will see you tomorrow." She nods her head once before wiggling her mouse to turn back on her computer diverting her attention to her assistant as I shut the door behind me and walk away.

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