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„Shotarooooo!", a loud yell causes the young boy to look outside of the window in his small apartment.

He can see two men, coming towards his building, both familiar looking, the two he expected to come.

Embarrassed about the one who had to yell Shotaro opens his window, only to shout something back, a little bit more quiet though.

„Please don't shout Ten Hyung!"

After that he closes the window again, getting ready to open the door that will ring in a few seconds.

And as expected not even a minute later the doorbell rings.

Happily Shotaro opens the door, only to be greeted by someone falling him around the neck.

„Welcome to Seoul Taro, it's so good to finally see you again.", Yuta says as he's in the arms of the other, almost throwing them both over.

„Calm down, slow down Yuta Hyung. Come in first before throwing me over.", Shotaro answers as he laughs, looking at Ten while smiling brightly.

He's really happy, having left his friends and family at home it does feel good to see someone he knows here too. To be around people who are his friends as well already.

„You're so cute, even in real life! How lucky were your family and friends to see you every day!", Ten says, seemingly way too dramatic for Shotaro.

„Okay both of you need to calm down. Now let me go and come inside, I'll make you some tea. If you want some.", the owner of the apartment says, trying to get out of Yuta's grip.

„I don't want you to do anything for me, let me do something for you.", Ten answers, causing Shotaro to laugh.

It feels like home with those two around.

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