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„I am so not ready for this right now...", Yuta mumbles as they both enter Yuta's dorm, the place where all of the guys are at.

According to Shotaro everyone is upstairs, downstairs you can only hear the other's voices from above.

Yuta couldn't help himself but hold WinWin's hand ever since they now talked. It already took him a while to let go of the embrace.
The closer they now got the the dorm, the less calm Yuta has gotten and started to cling onto WinWin's hand more and stronger.

WinWin however doesn't seem to mind at all, the usually shy boy who doesn't like skinship seems to make a big exception for Yuta. He just returns the pressure on his hand by doing the same, signaling Yuta he's there for him.

„The question is if you'll ever be ready though.", WinWin answers in a soft voice and with a slight smile on his lips.

„Probably not. And my guilt will kill me in the mean time too."

„Let's just get this over with. Sungchan, Shotaro and Ten Are with you. Jaehyun seems to be too. So we already have like a Little squad that's unbeatable and defensive about you.", WinWin chuckles, causing even Yuta to smile a bit shortly.

„I just want to know what Lucas' hand looks like now."

„Not just you. And which hand it was. Because if it was the right one... he won't be able to write for a bit."

„Probably.", Yuta answers, getting more quiet though, since they started walking and are now about to go upstairs.

With WinWin leading him they make their way upstairs, on the last few steps before they can be seen by the rest Yuta shortly hesitates. But they continue going up after WinWin shortly smiles at the older and pulls a bit on the hand, tightening his grip on Yuta's hand as well.

The group doesn't seem to notice them going upstairs, since their talking continues.

However it slowly starts to get a bit quieter as the ones facing towards the stairs notice them.

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