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„Hey Shotaro.", Yuta says after a bit of silence, not knowing if he should go towards his friend or not.

„Hey Yuta.", he answers, rather quiet and voice sounding hoarse from the crying and shouting yesterday.

A bit hesitant but still deciding to do so Shotaro opens his arms a bit for Yuta, keeping one with Sungchan still but also room for his best friend. Yuta decides to hug him gently and carefully after he notices Sungchan nod at him, telling him to go take the invitation.

Even if it's not long Yuta can feel the shivering of Shotaro's Body, making him insecure if he should really do this.

Ten also shortly hugs Shotaro, backs away as well though.

„Has he been trembling since yesterday?", Yuta then asks Sungchan, as Shotaro went back to clinging onto the taller.

„Trembling, since I arrived yesterday. It gets worse when I leave him or try to, for example restroom, he can't go there with me or me with him but afterwards it's very visible. He stopped when sleeping or being like this with me.", Sungchan explains, pointing out Shotaro who half climbed into his lap.

„So he didn't tremble because of us?"

„I don't know, Shotaro Hyung, do you feel uncomfortable with them?"

„That's... not really the case.", Shotaro answers, once again not looking anyone into the eyes though.

Ten and Yuta want to ask further, at the same time don't dare to, afraid to corner the already hiding boy.

„Why Else then Hyung? You know them longer than me and they're your friends too. Best friends even.", Sungchan takes the part to ask, voice soft and gentle.

„I don't know exactly. But you give me a feeling of safety. It feels scary without..."

„Probably because I was right there after it happened."

„Not just that... you just... saved me. And helped me. I was so scared.", Shotaro tells what's on his heart, starting to cry again, his already swollen eyes getting red once more.

„It's alright, I'm here. You don't have to go back alone anymore. I'll stay with you.", Sungchan says, stroking through the hair of the older to calm him a bit again as the loud sobs are the only thing to be heard in the room.

„That's why you said you'll move with him together.", Yuta now combines one and one.

„Yeah. He doesn't want to go back alone, not even go back at all and I also don't want to let him go. So I think we'll move soon."

„Usually I would say no but to be honest, I think it's the best choice right now. However, I have a question for you. Does your mom or anyone in this house know what's going on?", Ten asks what has been bothering him for a bit now.

„More or less. Shotaro hasn't let go of me and I don't want to bring everything up again and again."

„We will have to, to explain to people...", Shotaro mumbles into Sungchan's chest, the sobs have stopped again, he calmed down.

„I won't do anything you're not comfortable with Hyung. I don't want you to feel worse."

„I know. Thank you Sungchan. For everything."

A soft talk between the two, like as if they're forgetting Ten and Yuta are over. And the two others feel that they don't need to worry.

The way Shotaro and Sungchan are with each other is very gentle and thoughtful. And at the same time seems so intimate that you feel like you shouldn't be there and just leave them alone, give them their privacy and space.

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