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It's said that time heals wounds.

And it fits in this case too.

About one to two weeks after the incident Shotaro started to do way better, the constantly staying with Sungchan as well as dancing every day helped him, also that he now can stay calm when being left alone for a few hours.

He even went shopping with Sungchan together, managed to be with others again, even if the younger has to be by his side still.

During this time both were excused for school, Jeno, Jisung and Renjun giving Shotaro the materials he missed as well as teaching and helping him, while Sungchan got materials from his teacher.

It made Shotaro realize that Sungchan never said anything about friends in his class, turns out he hasn't really made any yet. He spent all of his time with Shotaro, risking being completely alone if it wouldn't have worked out between the two of them.

An action that made Shotaro once more feel warm around the heart, the way Sungchan softly had said, „Why would I need more friends? I got you Hyung and more friends doesn't always mean that it's better. What matters is how good a friendship is, rather than the number of friends.".

Over the days both spent their time not just catching up on what they missed or working on Shotaro being able to be alone again, on his own. They talked a lot about the dorm, or rather apartment, that they will move together into.

In about Seven days there's gonna be a one week school break. The perfect time at which they can start moving over.

They talked about which furniture they want to put in, also which room they will use for what, since the Appartement is rather empty at the moment, also it's rather big. A few more people in there probably wouldn't even be a problem.

Yet they plan on for now being alone there, they know they are capable of it and it'll help Shotaro too to be more on his own.

The time also made Shotaro realize more and more how he feels around Sungchan, he got to learn more about the other and at the same time his hunch that he really might fall for the younger grew.

Something he's still not very sure about if it's a Good thing or something to panic over.

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