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As Ten had feared, the others really were out to go find Yuta. But not that much because they're worried, rather mad at his actions.

Doyoung, who had called yesterday and according to what Sungchan said it sounded very likely to him that they're letting Yuta stay over, is out to go check on that.

When he arrives at Sungchan's home, he notices Ten who's over and carrying packed bags.

„Oh, you're over and helping?", he says, making everyone notice him, the three of them.

Ten, Sungchan and Shotaro.

„Hello there Doyoung. Yes I'm helping with carrying a bit. You're probably here to check if Yuta is with them, right?"

„Yeah but as I can see he's not with you.", Doyoung answers.

They're putting their stuff into a car, into the trunk of it. Else than those three aren't outside and the door to the house is open.
Neither in the hallway not anywhere as far as he can see there's any sign or hint of Yuta being there.

„He isn't. We're worried you know? Don't you dare throw him out of the dorm!", Shotaro says, slightly scolding but worried.

„We won't. We just need a long talk with him. Well then, I won't disturb you any longer. Still got a few other possibilities where he could be at to check on.", Doyoung says, before leaving again, the other three continue to pack everything.

Only ten minutes after he is gone all of them exhale and relax again.

„Good acting there to the two of you.", Sungchan says, slightly chuckling at how much that stressed them out.

„I was so afraid I'll give away he's actually with us.", Shotaro says, Ten nods.

Yuta now comes out, he was in the bathroom and since they're ready to go he had all his belongings with him.

Ten now sees him for the first time since what had happened and he looks way worse today than before.

The eyes are still swollen, hair messed up and oily a bit, he's pale and just looks really down. His shape is worse than what Ten had seen with WinWin.

With a slight hint of fear Yuta looks at Ten, who first doesn't know what to do, then smiles slight and sighs.

„Don't worry, I won't tell anyone you're here. Else those two wouldn't have let me come."

Yuta nods as his expressions relax a bit, even if he doesn't say a word he seems really thankful about it.

„Just talk it out with those two will ya? You got to lift some confusion up here. Especially so that the rest won't be that mad at you."

„... how are they? Jaehyun... and WinWin.", Yuta asks with a bit of hesitation, his voice breaking a lot and hoarse.

„Jaehyun... it's funny, he's like the only one not mad at you. And WinWin... we just have to talk the guilt out of him since he beats himself up over it. Do you want to talk to him?", Ten answers, hesitant about the last question though.

„... I would... like to try."

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