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„Hey there, Shotaro, Sungchan!", Jisung greets the two as they arrive at school, every morning the five usually meet up, only for Sungchan to part ways afterwards.

Yet something seems a bit off about the two arriving ones, the other three can feel it, something must have happened between them.

Renjun is the first to mention it, „You two seem a bit... weird. What happened, something must have happened."

„Nothing really?", Shotaro answers, more questioning than answering, his smile also seems way too bright for so called „nothing".

„Yeah yeah, keep lying to yourself. What happened?", Jeno joins in.

Sungchan answers now, „Just a small talk, also he got some sleep again. That's what happened."

„Yeah along with holding hands it seems. More than just sleep happened there yesterday!", Renjun points out, Jeno and Jisung only now seeing it as well.

„You two! No!", Jeno says, starting to laugh.

„Don't Tell me you fucked.", Jisung comments, Renjun can't help but laugh out loud now either, Shotaro slightly embarrassed yet way less than the others expected his reaction to be.

„What are you talking about? Are you crazy now?"

„Since you're reacting so calmly I'll take that as a no.", Jeno answers, shrugging shoulders.

„Like I said, nothing big happened! I just slept way better this night."

„By joining Sungchan?"

„Yes by joining me. Now stop butting in on our privacy here."

Renjun, „Oh, but we do need to know if and when you fucked."

Sungchan, „That's exactly one of the things that you don't need to know."

Jisung, „Well I don't wanna know, I don't want details, ever."

Jeno, „Right, experience it yourself, then you don't need info."

Shotaro, „Why does this sound like we're mocking Renjun?"

Sungchan, „Because they are, indirectly."

Renjun, „Thanks for your trust you fuckers."

Jeno, „Hey I'm taken, I know I won't stay single."

Jisung, „Uhm I'm Single? Why not count me in?"

Jeno, „Because you're not interested."

Renjun, „And say that again in Chenle's presence. You ain't single for long anymore."

Jisung, „Stop saying I'll get together with Chenle! We most definitely won't!"

Sungchan, „We'll see about that."

„Okay, enough of this bickering, we should go to class now.", Renjun stops the talk, reminding them of the time.

„Alright then. Till later Sungchan.", Shotaro agrees, then turns to the younger next to him, hands still holding.

Sungchan puts their intertwined hands up, before softly putting Shotaro's palm on his after letting go, only to then place a short and soft kiss in the back of the older's hand.

„Till after school Hyung."

The gaze of Sungchan looking up a bit after the kiss is something that makes Shotaro scream in side in a high pitched voice, as he feels that his emotions will overwhelm him any minute and he'll just faint, watching Sungchan leave for his classes, it feels like the hearts in his eyes can almost be seen by others.

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