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„We're back.", Mark says as he arrives back at their dorm along with Haechan and Yuta.

Yes, they really went out to go fetch Yuta who ran off and away from the Dorm, to talk with Shotaro without disturbances.

It took those two a bit so now they're a bit annoyed, but they finally managed to drag Yuta back, who absolutely wants to avoid the further discussion which he can feel coming.

„Great job you two. I thought we have to give up on him coming back.", Johnny answers as he joins them from upstairs, walks down, towards them.

„I'm not going to get him a second time today, that's sure. If he runs again then he can stay outside.", Mark says, going past him and upstairs, towards his room that he shares with Yuta.

Haechan first only looks after him then at Johnny while shrugging his shoulders, then follows the older. Johnny on the other hand went towards Yuta, placing an arm around his shoulders.

„Johnny? What's with that?"

„Nothing? Let's just go upstairs."

„This seems weird and suspicious...", Yuta mumbles as he gets dragged forward by Johnny, who half forces him to walk where he's lead to through the arm on his shoulders.

Upstairs everything seems normal to him at first, everything's the same it's always been, nobody is outside of their rooms. And the door to his and Mark's room is open, probably because Mark just went inside, according to the back of Haechan he saw for a split second.

„Let's follow them.", Johnny says, Yuta now completely being confused by his behavior.

„Why shouldn't I, it's my room? Jeez what's with you right now. Are you hiding something, is something the matter?", he asks as they enter and walk, looking only at Johnny first.

A mistake he will regret in a moment.

„Yes, we are the matter. Along with you.", a somehow unfamiliar voices says.

As Yuta looks around the corner of their room he now can see the reason, now Johnny's act makes sense and why he's the one to take Yuta with him.

Johnny's the strongest in their dorm and able to keep Yuta where they want him.

In the Room Mark, Haechan, Taeyong, Doyoung, Jaehyun and Jungwoo have gathered. Along with two guests, one of them someone Yuta would rather not have over.

Kun and WinWin.

„After discussing a lot we came to the conclusion we need to force you to stay since you'll just run away. And we got WinWin far enough that he wants to talk to you.", Kun explains, Yuta just standing there, not moving an inch, Johnny a bit uneasy about what his next actions will be.

„I'm gonna actually leave again, y'all have a nice chat.", Mark says, leaving again and pulling Haechan with him.

The fact that Yuta still hasn't moved in any way as if he was frozen scares all of the ones in the Room and makes WinWin feel even worse about the situation than he already does.

But the worst is yet to come, since WinWin hasn't spoken a word till now.

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