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„Sungchan... what are you doing...?", Shotaro asks the younger as he watches him tying his shoes, a bag next to him which he packed just a few moments ago.

And he pulled the older downstairs with him, not saying a word.

„Getting ready to leave the house. Put on your shoes too Hyung.", Sungchan answers, calm and with a smile as he turns around a bit.

„Wait me too?"

„Of course."

„But where to? Sungchan!", Shotaro struggles as he gets pulled down suddenly, Sungchan just throwing a jacket over his Hyung, as well as getting shoes out.

„Some place you know very well and like. Now come on, put the shoes on, don't keep Yuta and Ten waiting."

„Wait Yuta and Ten?!"

„Yes. We're going dancing.", Sungchan reveals it, tying the shoes up. Just a second later he's finished with it, the reason he pulls Shotaro back up from the sitting to which he had pulled him down just a couple of moments ago.

Without waiting for an answer from the older they both go through the door, outside of the house they've been in for about two days constant now. It wasn't that long actually but felt like it, their small moments of gentleness and softness made it seem like forever. In a Good way.

„Sungchan...", Shotaro starts to say, a bit in a whiny voice, fidgeting around like crazy.

„It's alright Hyung. I'm here and you've already got my hand. I can't give you more than that.", Sungchan answers to comfort the other, turning back his head slowly to give the older a smile.

Shotaro can't help but keep looking at Sungchan, starts to stare at the back of his head, blushing a bit as he notices.

He has no idea what's happening but the younger makes him feel more and more comfortable, secure, safe.

But most of all, happy.

He can lift him up with no hesitation and no problems.

It's something that, especially now, is fascinating to Shotaro.

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