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It only takes a few minutes before they see WinWin in the distance, he seems tired, having ran or jogged all the way to there.

Ten had sent him the address quickly and privately, so that the rest will have to gather first, because only some know where they are, aka only Yuta and Jungwoo till now.

So the rest of that Gang will have to meet up with Jungwoo first to find their way over here.

„I'm here, I haven't seen the rest yet!", WinWin says as he arrives, completely out of breath in front of them, Yuta looking like he wants to take him into his arms but hesitating and somewhere not daring to do so.

„You two should go inside to talk. We'll worry about the rest of this angry gang that will gather up.", Sungchan says, pointing into the apartment behind him.

WinWin nods, then looks at Yuta who both first only awkwardly look at each other.

However once they hear shouting in the distance and look over, seeing Jungwoo with a bunch of other people behind him, they don't think any longer about it and just go inside, hurry to get away.

„Stay here you bitch, don't you dare run away! And leave WinWin with us!", Sungchan and Shotaro can hear the shouting from Kun in the distance.

As expected, all the dorms have gathered, some more mad about this, some only went along because why not.

Jaehyun isn't with them, probably because of his stomach they left him at home.

They all stop running in front of the building where Yuta and WinWin went into, Ten, Sungchan and Shotaro guarding the door, standing in front of it, looking at the bunch.

Sungchan is rather quiet, but looks at them with no fear.

While Ten and Shotaro on the other hand are nervous, yet sure that they want to do this.

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