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„Hyung!", Sungchan says as he runs towards Shotaro, both meeting up on the way to the studio.

Unlike usual both their faces are filled with worry.

„Let's start searching shall we?", Shotaro suggests right away, Sungchan nodding.

They go through the places they know, no luck though for half an hour.

Even all the others haven't found anything yet, so many people yet none of them saw those two. And it's worrying.

If they don't find them soon they will have to report it to the police as well.

Taeil is staying at home, in case they come back.

But neither has till now.

„I know it sounds stupid but... shall we take a look at the dance Studio? It's the last place we both know and didn't look yet.", Sungchan suggest, both feeling rather down.

„Sure, let's give it a try."

Not expecting much they both make their way there.

However on the stairs they notice someone sitting on one of the benches at the reception. And as they shortly see his face they notice it.

„Wasn't that...", Shotaro starts.

„Doyoung Hyung?", Sungchan continues it as they now both look at each other.

They get what the other thinks right away, both going into the studio. Then Sungchan takes the part of talking to the guy.

„Uhm excuse me?"

„Hm?", the other answers, looking up at them.

His eyes are swollen and red, it looks like he had a rough night and his clothes are still a bit wet since it had rained earlier.

All in all he doesn't look like he was ready to go out.

And even though the eyes are so red they can recognize him.

„Doyoung Hyung!", they both say at the same time, Sungchan hugging the rather confused other.

„Wait how do you two know me?"

„Friend groups. I'm friends with Yuta and he's with Jungwoo. Sungchan, I'm gonna tell the rest where we are!", Shotaro says, the younger agreeing.

„Wait no! I... don't want Johnny to see me right now...", Doyoung objects, his look changes from somehow relieved back to troubled.

„You do know that he's gone too right? He had went after you and hasn't returned since yesterday as well.", Sungchan says, surprising Doyoung.

„He did...? He did huh..."

It's rather hard to read the emotion from his voice, it's a mix of a lot, sadness, relief, troubled, confused and much more.

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