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As the doorbell rings once again at Sungchan's home, Shotaro goes downstairs along with Sungchan, to open the door for their rather sudden visitor.

„Hey...", is all that Yuta says as greeting, his voice and appearance surprising the other two.

His voice is hoarse and breaks a bit, like he was crying not that long ago. His hair is a mess, the eyes red and swollen, overall he looks a bit exhausted and down.

Could be worse but could be better.

Without saying anything else he enters as Sungchan let's him in.

„So, what happened?", Shotaro asks after Yuta entered, didn't take off any of his clothes from outside though.

„A lot... I'm sorry but can you give me some time to process everything myself? Also, please let me hide my stuff, if the others start searching for me. I don't want them to find me or know I'm here."

The two boys look at each other, both not knowing what to say or how to react, Sungchan then answers after sighing shortly.

„Alright, hide your stuff up in my room. You can stay there with us too if you want. Sleeping however I can only offer the couch in the living room. We do have futons but my room is rather small and the Couch probably is a bit more comfortable."

„It'll do just fine. Thanks you two."

The way Yuta talks sounds like he's out of breath, rather quiet.

A sign Sungchan noticed quickly on the others condition and makes him react instinctively like this, that he doesn't feel like asking further for now and just helps.

It's similar to what had happened with Shotaro.

First he'll let the situation rest and settle down.


„We're back. Give this boy some attention, he needs to snap out of his guilty feelings.", Kun says once he and WinWin arrive back at their dorm.

WinWin looks miserable, his shoulders are hanging down, eyes focused on the ground, head low, like he's trying to make himself small.

It's visible how much he thinks that everything's his fault and how bad he feels about everything.

The rest of the dorm already was expecting this outcome, yet it hurts them every time to see any of them down, especially their already shy WinWin.

„Come here. Just for once accept the skinship.", Lucas says as he pats on his lap, WinWin quietly takes the invitation.


„How is it?", Taeyong asks Jaehyun who's lying on their couch in their entry and living room, they put him after they got him to get up at least a bit and just let him rest there.

Taeyong sits next to him a bit to the side, since the couch is in kinda like an L shape.

The rest has gone back into their room, leaving Taeyong alone with Jaehyun and letting the guy recover.

„A bit better. I still wouldn't try to eat anything today though.", Jaehyun answers, chuckling a bit which he regrets a few seconds later.

„Glad you got your humor back. I'm really worried over here you know.", Taeyong answers worriedly, with a faint smile on his lips though and a small weak giggle.

„You can relax a bit Yongie. I won't die from this."

„Still. You're quite in pain it seems."

„Yuta wouldn't have punched that strong so it'll kill me. I think he just expected more resistance from my side. Also, he was desperate and just a mess at That moment. He reacted purely on and in emotions."

„Even if, he hurt you!"

„And I'm not that mad at him. We know him and I trust that he didn't have any bad intentions or any at all. I think he went blank in his head with the emotions taking over."

„This is a weird situation. You, the one who got hurt, is the least angry at Yuta, while the rest of us are mad like crazy.", Taeyong laughs a bit, shaking his head as he leans it on this hands and those on his lap.

„I want to hear his side of everything first. I feel like there's some things he never talked to us about. And knowing y'all want to scold him I fear it's just gonna get the situation worse over here.", Jaehyun sighs.

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