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„Shit, shit, shit, SHIT!", Sungchan mumbles as he hurriedly stumbles out of his bed, almost running against a wall since his sense of balance wasn't that quick.

First thing he did was to call police over to Shotaro, before changing clothes himself too.

It's funny that he's the one trying to calm Shotaro, while he himself now is in a panic because of the worries.

The bumping as he tries to change as fast as possible while having been drowsy at first wakes up his family, wakes the house.

His mother and sister both get up, while his father on the other hand seems unfazed by everything .

„Brother what's wrong?", his sister asks as she's the first to arrive at his room, though Sungchan isn't long in there anymore, he makes his way to the hallway, past her.

„No time for an explanation, I need to hurry!", he answers, not even looking at her.

„Sungchan what's wrong? Why are you running and so loud in the middle of the night? Where are you going?", his mother then asks, she sleepily joins the girl too, both watching the boy put on his shoes and throwing over a jacket, then taking his keys for the house.

„Checking on a friend who might be in danger!", is all Sungchan says before he's gone, sprints towards the direction of Shotaro's apartment like his life depends on it.

It is rather weird that someone's breaking in, especially if the person went through the bed first thing, didn't start robbing the place or even just tried to be quiet.

A sudden incoming voice message from Shotaro also make his heart drop immediately as he plays it.

„Where are you little boy? Come out and play. I know you live here, don't be shy. It'll be fun."

The voice of a man whom Sungchan for sure doesn't know.

But also it's clear that the man knows Shotaro is living there.

And his intentions aren't good at all.

„Damn! I need to hurry up!", Sungchan just says to himself as he's desperate, but he knows the way is long since both live in opposite directions of the school. And he's not even there yet.

His stamina isn't bad but he already can say for sure he won't be able to sprint the whole way.

Then again, if he doesn't he might be too late.

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