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„Hey there Taro!", Ten greets the younger, the last one to arrive at the dance studio.

In cooperation with Renjun, Jeno and Jisung he has created the plan to meet up to dance with Shotaro and Sungchan, and Yuta also tagged along.

Their plan is simple, make Shotaro be close to the younger, may it be by the older teaching him or just the others, pushing those two closer to each other. It's a try to force Shotaro towards Sungchan, so he at least can't run away for now.

„Say Sungchan, why are you kinda avoiding Shotaro? Are you scared he's afraid of you?", Yuta asks shortly And quietly as he pulls him to the side, Shotaro being busy with Ten and Jisung anyways at the moment, they're discussing which songs they want to dance to and teach the others.

Calm and unbothered Sungchan answers, „No, I know he's not scared of me. If he was he wouldn't fall asleep next to me."

„Then why... what's your plan? Wait don't tell me you actually have one."

„Yuta Hyung, I know very well what's going on, I'm not that blind. I'm just waiting for the other side to give in themselves, even if he needs a little push from your side. So, I'm counting on you to give this guy some courage, because if I act now, he won't be able to really deal with it. Even though I know he won't either way, he'll get flustered so easily."

During the last sentence Sungchan can't help but grin while looking towards Shotaro's direction, hiding his smile as he notices the older's face is towards his direction as well, even if Ten is in front of him still.

„So... you like him?"

„Who knows."

„Oh come on, don't be such a mysterious guy Sungchan. Just say it."

„I won't. Only Taro Hyung will hear my answer to that, he'll have to hear it directly first before I say anything else."

„But you kind of already said it, indirectly."

„But not directly."

„You're both a hopeless case."

„Not as much as you and WinWin were.", Sungchan answers with a grin, mocking the other on purpose.

However Yuta takes it rather calm, „Yeah yeah, whatever. It's fine now, you're the main problems around here. While you two take forever about three or more couples have formed, I'm not counting anymore."

„Why haven't I been informed about that? I'm interested in that tea that's going around."

„No you can't join that group and talk, there's talk about you two after all so you're not allowed to join."

Sungchan was just about to answer and pout when suddenly Ten joins in by yelling from a bit away, „Sungchan, Yuta, come over here you gossip duo!"

„Did you finally find a song?", Yuta asks back, in the same tone Ten had talked to him.

„Else I wouldn't call you over you salty something."

„You were the first one to tell me I was gossiping, your fault."

„Please both of you, calm down.", Shotaro tries to step in and stop them, Renjun and Jeno have started watching and just enjoying the show. And Jisung is on his phone, searching for a song.

„Let them be Hyung, that's their friendship language.", Sungchan though says, placing his hand on Shotaro's shoulder, the older's attention immediately disturbed as he slowly turns his head to look at the hand.

Sungchan on the other hand seems to ignore it for now, keeps his hand there and pulls slightly, to get Shotaro to move as well. Ten and Yuta have stopped in their motions as well, just to watch the spectacle of Shotaro and his crush, how the older of the two gets completely frozen just by a simple touch.

„This us better than a movie, I should have brought popcorn with me.", Renjun comments into the silence, causing Shotaro to snap out of his daze it seems.


„What, don't be mad at me here. We've only been here for like five minutes and this is already better than a movie, you guys are all a living comedy."

„Especially your reactions Shotaro.", Jeno adds, causing Shotaro's face to flush a bit red.

„Jeno! You guys all are no help at all!"

„Well it's your fault that you kind of distance yourself for Sungchan, that's not our doing.", Jisung mentions, everyone else who's also in the room except Shotaro and Sungchan agreeing right away.

„I wanna go back home, why are you all so mean!", Shotaro sighs, he's already at the point of having a Roller Coaster of emotions once again.

Sungchan comforts him, „Don't mind them too much Hyung, they just want the best for you. Even if they sound a bit mean, it's just teasing."

„But they're almost exposing me...", Shotaro mumbles, pouting to himself.

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