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After thinking about it for a few times, Shotaro now has come to the conclusion that it really would be the best idea to try and sleep alone. After all, he could still always go back to Sungchan who's in the room next to his, if he can't sleep at all or feels scared.

He wants to try and get used to being on his own at all times again, at the same time though he feels very shy around Sungchan now, about being this close. He somewhere feels like he's just using the situation to be close to him, to be cared for.

Also thinking about it over the last few days, Shotaro has noticed how rare it is for others to see the serious side of Sungchan. Hyunjin and Soobin have visited the two once by now too and they looked very confused. Sungchan is rarely serious, rather a fun person to lighten up the mood.

Shotaro noticed too after thinking about it more, he tended to joke a bit around when with him, be it learning or something else, yet serious... only since that incident happened. And ever since he started to get better he has gone over to fun again, yet also somewhat... soft?

He treats the younger very gently now, something that's not very helping Shotaro and his feelings for the younger. It wouldn't matter to be honest if Sungchan now treats him softer, sooner or later he would have fallen for him anyways, but with this act now he's getting aware of it very quickly.

And he's not really ready for it just yet. To him, the last thing that's missing till he'll just pass out from everything being too much and fast at once, is Sungchan getting very close to his face.

„Hyung, is something wrong?"

The soft voice of the younger pulls Shotaro back to reality, as he now realizes he forgot to continue brushing his teeth, stopped in the middle of his movements.

Hurriedly he continues, to not make Sungchan worry, since he's already looking at the older with concern, but also once more he is very gentle.

The younger starts speaking once more, „You will be fine to sleep without me, you've been doing very well on your own for a while now. Don't think too much about it and just cuddle up nicely in your bed."

While speaking Sungchan strokes through Shotaros hair a bit, to reassure him, the older however only can try his best to not get flustered by this action, it makes him feel so taken care of, but also loved somewhere. The question is just in which way?

The younger clearly does like him very much, but does he see it just as friendship? Or in the way Shotaro does right now...

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