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Slowly all of them quiet down and turn around, the attention on Yuta and WinWin, who are both just standing there, looking back the one's looking at them.

„Now that's one entrance. You two arrive after talking and first thing we see you doing is holding hands. Must have been one interesting talk.", Kun can't help but say in a rather unamused tone, causing him to get hit on the backhead by Jungwoo, who has occupied Lucas' lap, just a second later. One of Lucas hands is indeed bandaged a bit, it's the left one however to his luck.

„Ignore this salty ass. Come over here you two. We'll make sure they don't talk shit before you can say something.", Jaehyun says to the two as he shakes his head.

He gets up from lying by using his hands, making some space next to him for those two, Yuta instantly feeling even worse about everything. Jaehyun can't get up normally right now, using his stomach muscles would hurt for him.

Hesitantly but with no other choice Yuta sits down next to Jaehyun, WinWin pulled him over there so the older has to go as well, after all he still refuses to let go of WinWin's hand.

Because it's rather cramped with both of them next to each other WinWin makes it short and gets on Yuta's lap, the older immediately uses the opportunity to embrace the younger once more.

„Now then. Where to start... first of all. Don't you have something to say to Jaehyun?", Taeyong starts, carefully, since Jaehyun on his side is ready to stop him if he says anything wrong.

„I'm... really sorry about that. I didn't mean for... that... to happen... I'm so sorry.", Yuta apologizes, trying to look at Jaehyun, but he can't bring himself to so he just looks down, starts burying himself into WinWin's neck to hide.

„Yuta, look at me.", Jaehyun says as answer, after a bit Yuta does what's asked of him, with a bad feeling.

„See? I'm fine. I'm not mad at you. You looked like a complete chaos of emotions yesterday so I do think there was a reason behind what happened. Also, i know you and it's clear to me just by looking at you that you feel very bad for me and scared about our reaction. I want the others to shut up because before they say anything I want to listen to you, what you have to say, about what's going on with you."

Yuta is rather surprised at how open and soft Jaehyun is to him, even though he's the person who he hurt the most. Well physically at least.

Yet Jaehyun isn't mad, rather wants to talk everything out, peacefully.

A kind act that makes Yuta break out into tears, not being able to stop them, they just run down his cheeks, relief spreading throughout him as well as a bit of the guilt falling from his shoulders.

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