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„Uhm Sungchan...", Shotaro suddenly says as both him and the younger were getting themselves ready to go sleep, Yuta already went downstairs.

Even Sungchan's parents don't ask anymore about what's happening and why they suddenly start to become more and more in that home.

It's the weekend before Sungchan will move anyways so the three of them won't be in there for long anymore.

Tomorrow they will leave, start to decorate their new apartment and sleep there. The thing that Yuta now suddenly is over is a bit of a surprise as well as unexpected, yet they can't let that stop them, the decision has been made and they don't want to disturb Sungchan's family in the mess that's always going on any longer than necessary.

„Yeah?", the younger answers to his Hyung, coming into the room from the bathroom.

„I think... Doyoung Hyung is calling me?"

„He is? Probably because of the situation with Yuta."

„Should I accept it?"

„Nah, he'll just tell their side. We'll get to know what's wrong from Yuta with a bit of time."

„You're right.", Shotaro agrees.

In the end they don't want to break Yuta any more than he is already.

But Doyoung just won't stop calling, even after lying down he calls about five more times, starting to annoy both of them.

„Okay answer it for fucks sake. If it gets too much I'll step in, I'll just listen for now.", Sungchan says as he sighs, both sitting up again, Shotaro on his lap since he still tends to cuddle with Sungchan when they go to sleep.

Both got used to it.

„Yes, what's the matter Doyoung Hyung?", Shotaro says as he accepts the call of the older, puts it on speaker so Sungchan can hear as well.

„Thank god, you finally picked up."

„It's late and we wanted to go to sleep."

„You can in a bit. First I have something important to tell you, okay?"

„And That is?"

„It's about Yuta. If he shows up at your place, tell us so we can go get him. He punched Jaehyun earlier and ran away, now he's gone. I think we need to lecture this guy throughly-"

Sungchan takes the phone From Shotaro's hands as Doyoung is still talking, like Yuta is has some damage or something. In the middle of the sentence Sungchan talks in between, voice cold but serious.

„I think that's enough Doyoung Hyung. It's already late now, right? Also, we don't need to hear only a part of it, since I'm pretty sure Yuta Hyung wouldn't just punch anyone without a reason, even when he was ready to fight with Jungwoo it was for a reason. So we don't need a one sided opinion with only half of the story. Now then, please excuse us and good night to you as well as everyone else."

Not caring that he just talked to someone older than him and basically just having been disrespectful, he hangs up on the call after his words, then turns off the phone and gives it back to the owner.

„Now we can sleep. Come on.", he says as he lies down, Shotaro following him after shortly looking at him, putting the phone somewhere on the bed away from him.

Even in this situation a warm feeling in his stomach is rising up, making him feel the urge to just hug Sungchan and never let go again.

„But... why do you think Yuta did that?", Shotaro can't help but still ask, thinking about it.

„No idea. Let's not worry. Like I said, I'm sure he had a reason. You should know that the best, Taro Hyung."

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